15 Awesome Dads Who Are Nailing The Father Thing
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:01 pm
By:James Fraser
Moms are good, but dads are cool. Dads just do anything for their kids, even the unthinkable and undoable. Moms bring you into this world, but dads show you the world. Here are 15 instances that will make you feel dads are the coolest things to ever happen.
7.Dad who Wore Skirt for his Skirt Loving Son
Unless he is the world’s best dad, no father would even think of doing something like this. First, the child in this picture is a boy, not a girl. Second, his father too is wearing a skirt because he wants to make his ‘skirt loving’ son comfortable. Instead of making his little son’s life hard for his unusual dress choices, he stood by him.