15 Awesome Dads Who Are Nailing The Father Thing
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:01 pm
By:James Fraser
Moms are good, but dads are cool. Dads just do anything for their kids, even the unthinkable and undoable. Moms bring you into this world, but dads show you the world. Here are 15 instances that will make you feel dads are the coolest things to ever happen.
1.Dad Saved the Day for his Birthday Boy
Dropping cake onto the floor could well be the worst thing that could happen at a birthday party. Watch this cool dad saving his son’s birthday cake like a boss! Everything was intact; flame on the candle to the smile on the little boy’s face. Thanks, dad!

2.Dad Saved Little Girl from a Horrific Car Crash
Watch how this RC car hit the jump-ramp, heading straight towards the little girl in what could have been a devastating accident, if not stopped by this dad. This incredibly cool dad with sharp reflexes reacted right on time to save his little girl.

3.Dads Can become Anything, even Usain Bolt
When situations demand, dads can become anything. See how a dad here became Usain Bolt to protect his little daughter who is about to get hit by her sibling’s toy car that is rolling down the hill.

4.Dad Thrills Kid with His Drifting Skills
One of those true mommy fears have come true here with this uber cool dad taking out his son to thrill him with his drifting skills. The kid seems to be enjoying the ride.

5.When Dad Turns His Kids into iPods
Check this geeky dad who put a nice iPod costume on his two sons. Ideas like these not only make kids happy, but also help them stay closer to the family. We are not sure about the boy on the right, but the one on the left seems to be enjoying his time under that iPod costume.

6.Dad helps his Daughter Become Salon Girl
One patient dad is helping his little daughter become a salon girl, allowing her to do spa and makeover stuff on him. The girl seems to be really involved in it, while the dad is just relaxing, reading his daily dose of news.

7.Dad who Wore Skirt for his Skirt Loving Son
Unless he is the world’s best dad, no father would even think of doing something like this. First, the child in this picture is a boy, not a girl. Second, his father too is wearing a skirt because he wants to make his ‘skirt loving’ son comfortable. Instead of making his little son’s life hard for his unusual dress choices, he stood by him.

8.Dad Builds an Ice Cream Truck Costume for Disabled Son
Raising disabled children is not at all a difficult thing when you have dads like these. Meet this happy little boy who is having a really good time in his own ice cream truck, specially built for him by his dad.


9.Happy Baby, Cool Daddy and a Balanced Family
These are again those moments mommies hate to watch! See how this dad is nicely balancing the baby on his hand, while the baby seems to be enjoying every second of it.

10.No Wonder Super Heroes are Made by Dads
This skater dad surely knows how superheroes are made. There are one thousand ways this stunt could go wrong, but the dad and son know they are going to nail it. Yeah, they have nailed it!

11.Dad Builds Batmobile like Wheelchair for Disabled Kid
Some dads make their children’s wishes come true, no matter what the wish is. See how a dad built a ‘batmobile’ concept wheelchair for his disabled son, just to make him happy. Looks cute, right?

12.When Whole Family Including Dad Turns into Princess Leia
What is more awesome in the world than your dad loving the movies, cartoons and superheroes you love? Just see for yourself this nice dad and his family having a good time in Princess Leia costume.

13.No Mommy Around? Let’s Get Stuff Done with a Vacuum Cleaner
Dads are intelligent. They know the best hacks in the world. Look how this cool dad is using a vacuum cleaner to tie a ponytail for his daughter. Don’t try this unless you are very sure of how to do it safely.

14.Only Dads Can Do That
Childhood is great except for its physical limitations. Why even worry about that when you have a dad like this? Look how this good dad helped his children get a good view of ‘Ultimate Air Dogs’ show as the kids are a little short. He did what it took to help them see it comfortably, and not miss out on this great show.

15.Supportive Dad Loves His Gay Son
This turns out to be a dream come true for a guy who could be struggling to come out as gay. His highly supportive and good dad broke the ice even before his son does it. Parents know you better than anyone, just like the dad here knows his son is gay.
