24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:31 pm
By:Tony Williams

We all love watching movies, They are one of the best past time activities. Some movies are incredibly awesome in their story while some are really amazing in their actions, effects and thrills. Although we stick our eyes close to the screen when watching movies, often times we miss some very small details in our favorite movies. Wanna know what movie mistakes were present in your favorite movies? then check out these 24 mistakes ever made in popular movies.
7.Magic mark

Well either she has a magical beauty mark or she has two of them because that is the only way that it can also end up on the other side of her face. Can a makeup person not make sure that they get this kind of thing right each day?

Magic mark-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed
8.Magic windows

Imagine if windows were actually like this because it would result in glazing companies being put out of business. They are either capable of mending themselves or the repair guys are very fast in the world of Spiderman.

Magic windows-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

9.Magic swap

Oh look it's Harry Potter and this time he is managing to go from one side of the table to the other and all right in front of us. He really is a little magician, but then you cannot say the same for the people that check these kinds of things in the movie.

Magic swap-24 Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed