15 Disney Movie Secrets You Don’t Know

Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 10:27 pm
By:James Fraser

We all grew up watching Disney films and we love them. Have you ever seen something that surprised you in a Disney movie? Let us show you. Here are 15 secrets Disney has hidden in its movies that are sure to surprise you. Don’t miss these cool ‘secret Easter egg treasures’ hidden in Disney movies.
13.Apple Product References in Pixar Movies

Pixar Studios, acquired by Disney in 2006, was co-founded by Steve Jobs along with Edwin Catmull. Many of the Pixar movies include a reference to Apple products. Since Steve Jobs is founder of Apple, Inc, Pixar and Apple are related.
Apple Product References in Pixar Movies-15 Disney Movie Secrets You Don’t Know


14.Beast is the Combination of Many Animals

Can you guess how the creative team at Disney designed the ‘Beast’ character from ‘Beauty and the Beast’? It borrowed different features of Beast from different animals. As shown in the figure, Beast is a combination of about half a dozen animals including human beings. 
Beast is the Combination of Many Animals-15 Disney Movie Secrets You Don’t Know


15.Disney Preferred Tiger Roars over Lion roars for ‘The Lion King’ Movies

The roars you hear in The Lion King movies are not lion roars actually. Disney used tiger roars over lions because tiger roars are loud and powerful. If you find this interesting, you can quickly check the movie to confirm.
Disney Preferred Tiger Roars over Lion roars for ‘The Lion King’ Movies-15 Disney Movie Secrets You Don’t Know

