15 Images That Most Men Will Never Understand

Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 5:16 pm
By:James Fraser

Guys, how much do you know about women? Check all these 15 images and see for yourself how many of them you can understand! A small hint: these are everyday struggles of a woman! Life of a woman is filled with tons of struggles; They have to deal with so many problems everyday, right from the moment they wake up to going back to bed. Their life isn't a simple fairy tale. So, if you have women in your family, respect them for all the things they do for you everyday.
7.Wind, Hair and Lip Gloss

Girls, don't you think it is one of the most uncomfortable situations to face? Wind messes up your perfectly combed hairs especially when you are going somewhere really important! ugh!

Wind, Hair and Lip Gloss-15 Images That Most Men Will Never Understand

8.This Lipstick Struggle

It just leaves stains everywhere, not necessarily be on a cute guy's cheeks! Women who wear lipstick daily, also end up eating traces of it. Fortunately, lipsticks being manufactured today are far safer than the ones that were made in the olden days. 

This Lipstick Struggle-15 Images That Most Men Will Never Understand

9.Period Pain

Men can never understand what it's like to suffer from period pain (menstrual cramps). The picture is an accurate depiction, but the pain is actually worse than that. 

Period Pain-15 Images That Most Men Will Never Understand
