15 Lesser Known Hotel Secrets That No One Talks About
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 5:04 pm
By:James Fraser
Hotels consume a big percentage of your spending when you go on a vacation or a holiday. Despite spending big, a hotel may still spoil your holiday with bad service or by providing a poor room. You need to be extra careful in selecting a hotel, particularly if you are traveling abroad. If you see reviews of hotels, you will be surprised to see people giving five stars and 1 star to the same hotel. How can this happen? To enjoy best hotel experience, you need to know some of the hotel secrets the staff doesn't want you to know! Read fifteen hotel secrets that help you stay safely and happily in a hotel room.
13.Remotes Are Never Cleaned
TV, air conditioner or other remotes in hotel rooms are rarely cleaned. They are gross considering the fact people touch them with unclean and unhygienic hands.