15 Lesser Known Hotel Secrets That No One Talks About
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 5:04 pm
By:James Fraser
Hotels consume a big percentage of your spending when you go on a vacation or a holiday. Despite spending big, a hotel may still spoil your holiday with bad service or by providing a poor room. You need to be extra careful in selecting a hotel, particularly if you are traveling abroad. If you see reviews of hotels, you will be surprised to see people giving five stars and 1 star to the same hotel. How can this happen? To enjoy best hotel experience, you need to know some of the hotel secrets the staff doesn't want you to know! Read fifteen hotel secrets that help you stay safely and happily in a hotel room.
1.Be Nice to the Staff
Being nice to hotel staff not only makes you look like a good human being but also helps you get 'best treatment' from them. Most hotels don't stick to scheduled business operations. They can, and they make lots of adjustments. For example, if you are nice, and if they like you, they may upgrade your room for free. Hotel chains like Ritz-Carlton pay some money as a special allowance to every employee to gift something to their lovely customers.

2.You Can Always Request The Staff To Change The Room
If you find the room unclean or ugly, or if you don't like the place for other reasons, you can ask the hotel staff to change the room. Since it is their mistake to keep the room untidy, they are likely to change or upgrade your room at no extra cost. When you check in, the first thing you need to do is check everything in the room and unpack stuff only if you are happy with it.

3.Book Through Hotel's Official Website For Best Rooms
Most of us book hotels from third party sites for huge discounts. Hotels reserve bad or unpopular rooms to the guests who book from the third party websites. Booking through the hotel's official website ensures best rooms and best 'treatment' from the staff. Before booking, call the hotel and ask them if they have any coupon codes.

4.Cleaning Staff Don't Like It When You Stay In The Room While Cleaning
Never remain in the room while the cleaning staff is at work. This makes them feel uncomfortable, and straightaway leaves a bad impression on you. Make use of lockers to protect valuables, and sit in the lobby until the cleaning work is done.

5.Canceling A Hotel Room Without A Cancellation Fee
This little trick should help you save a few bucks if you are the one who takes 'money saving' thing seriously. Instead of canceling a room you are about to check in, ask the hotel staff to change the booking to a later date. Call after a few hours and tell them to cancel. Make sure you talk to second shift employee so the things will not be awkward.

6.Be Careful with those Coffee Cups or Glasses
They look clean, but they aren't. Cleaning staff just cleans them with whatever they find, like, with the same cloth they cleaned a table, mirror or a TV. The coffee cups, wine glasses, etc. are often very dusty from inside. Clean them before use or ask staff to provide disposable glasses.

7.You Need to Be More Careful with Couches and Chairs
Cleaning staff changes the sheets every day. When you check into a room, you will possibly be sleeping on a bed with clean sheets. What about pillowcases? They are hardly replaced. What about couches and chairs? They are never cleaned or sanitized. The chances are high that people sat on them naked.

8.Hotels Overbook
Like airlines, hotels too overbook. Even after reserving a room a month ago, there are chances that you may end up without any room. In such cases, hotels usually pay you to stay in a room at the nearest hotel. They call the procedure 'walking.' Frequent travelers face this situation far too often. If you find yourself in a similar situation, ask them to 'walk' you to a good place, instead getting into a heated argument.

9.Hotels Are Not Safe
Many hotels advertise and promote themselves for providing 'home-like' experience. In fact, no hotel is like a home. You should always be careful. You shouldn't let kids play or go outside of the room in the night. You should always lock your room.

10.Bellhops Are More Capable Than What You Think
A bellhop (bellman or bellboy) can offer you many free things from water bottles, rides, valet parking to dry cleaning. He can help you get some food or snack in the middle of the night as well. All you need to do is be nice to him, and tip him better.

11.Hotel Staff Take Revenge On Bad Customers
Despite the staff being trained to be patient and polite always, they always find a way to take revenge on rude or abusive customers. They do it in many ways including disturbing the guests at night with frequent phone calls. They call and they hang up, blaming it on other guests or faulty phone line.

12.If You Don't Want The Cleaning Staff To Touch Your Stuff
Cleaning staff doesn't require your permission to come and clean the room. Even if you are not in the room, they will come, clean and leave the place. They may touch or move your stuff in the process. If you particularly don't want your room to be cleaned, put up the 'Don't Disturb' sign on the doorknob outside. If you don't find the signboard anywhere in your room, call the front desk seeking one.

13.Remotes Are Never Cleaned
TV, air conditioner or other remotes in hotel rooms are rarely cleaned. They are gross considering the fact people touch them with unclean and unhygienic hands.

14.Concierges Don't Always Suggest You The Best Places In The Town
As you know, a concierge's job is to assist the guests with booking rides, tours, or making restaurant or theater reservations. A concierge may not always recommend good places. He or she gets kickbacks from restaurants or theaters for referring guests.

15.Hotel Jacuzzis (Whirlpool Bathtubs) Are Unhygienic
Hotel Jacuzzis are barely cleaned. The water in the pipes stays there for a very long period of time, resulting in the bacterial infestation. When the bathtubs are turned on, whatever that stuck in the pipes including stagnant water comes out. It is because Whirlpool bathtubs are hard to clean.
