15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:01 pm
By:James Fraser
Everyone, at one point in their life, tries to impress someone else. Be it a girl or a boy, a teacher, an employer, or a customer for your business; we try to impress people. There's nothing wrong with it. However, some people do crazy and insane things just to grab people's attention and impress them. They pretend to be rich. They try to perform crazy daredevil stunts, etc. Read fifteen saddest things people did to impress someone. Sadly, most of the attempts didn't end on a good note.
1.Sadly, Many Guys Do This
Dude just spent his entire 15 day paycheck just to impress this one girl. After that he asked to borrow money from me because he blew it all on his date trying to pretend he's some kind of big shot.

2.Luscious, Long Hair Got Trapped in a Fan!
When I was younger I had luscious, long golden hair. To impress a girl at a party I stuck it into a spinning fan to show her how brave I was. I got trapped and had to be rescued by the host's mother with a pair of scissors.
Afterwards the mother said to her daughter "That was very sweet of you to invite that autistic boy."

3.This Wannabe Daredevil Whose Stunt Gone Terribly Wrong
I jumped out of a moving car because I thought it would be really funny and the girls in the back seat were saying "you wouldn't do that!". I was 16. The car was only moving at about 25mph (inside a neighborhood, a block away from my house). I hit the ground, rolled a few times. Broke the scaphoid bone in my right wrist and skinned my left knee so bad that I have permanent nerve damage there.
It was a stupid idea.

4.It Was a Happy Ending Though
When I was 13 this guy tried to impress me by climbing the blow up rock climbing thing at an event faster than his friend. His friend climbed it in about 40 seconds. He didn't make it to the top because he slipped and fell. Multiple times. He finally gave up and came back over to me.
I'm married to him now.

5.Damnit Farukh!
When I was in high school, my best mate told this dude in our CPSHE class that this girl... liked cereal. So a couple of months later, he was paired up with her for some project in their psychology class. They went to the library to do their project and he pulled a box of cereal (coco pops), milk and a spoon out of his bag. He poured the milk directly into the cereal box and started eating it.
So then he said "you like that don't you, you like cereal". She said, in shock, "not particularly". Then he looked at my mate who was just laughing his arse off at the insanity he just witnessed then he yelled "Damnit Farukh".

6.This Party Failure
My long time friend threw a party after high school graduation at his home so that he could finally talk with the girl he had a huge crush on. The girl shows up and gets really drunk only to end up sleeping with the guy she came to party with in HIS damn Room, He cried like a bitch later.

7.This Silly And Smelly Attempt To Impress A Girl
A friend of mine was telling me about this time he tried to impress a girl in high school. He was raised on the Oregon coast. Supposedly there was an article about a whale carcass that had washed up on the beach, so him and a bunch of classmates (including this girl he thought was pretty cute) decided to go to the beach to see it before the authorities removed it. Well he decided he would jump on top of it to just make himself the center of attention hoping she'd notice. He ran at the carcass and jumped and apparently it had been decaying for a while because he broke through and ended up chest deep in rotting whale. I guess the smell stuck in his hair for days and he ended up throwing away his clothes.

8.This Guy Who Was Broke Trying to Impress His Rich Friends!
After high school, one of my good friends went to a diff college than I did. He started hanging out with this group of snobby, spoiled rich kids. He wasn't poor or anything like that, middle class at best. All these kids drive around in Range Rovers and Audi's (probably their parents cars), designer clothing, latest tech gear, etc. Not to feel left out, he began trying to emulate their fancy lifestyle.
How? By ruining his credit & taking out multiple credit cards. Maxed out all of them. Racked up about $90 thousand, had to file for bankruptcy. All this before turning 23.

9.The Most Embarrassing Way to Impress a Girl
A close friend of mine in high school was not exactly what you would call a "ladies man". He was neck deep in the Friendzone with a chick and was completely clueless about this fact. Well, long story short, one day in a very crowded area of the school, he whips out a ring and asked the Object Of His Affection to marry him("jokingly") in full view of everyone present.....She was so embarrassed You could have cut the awkwardness with a knife. I got chills just standing there and basically everyone from my home town can still recall this epic fail.

10.This Wannabe Gangsta
When I was a child I stood in front of a mirror and punched myself in the eye. I thought black eyes were cool and I'd impress my class mates. So I mean, I guess I witnessed it.

11.This Poor Guy
My mate in high school was trying to impress some girls. He jumped on a treadmill and turned it up to full speed and couldn't keep up. He ended up face planting and taking a tumble, taking skin off everywhere. The girls thought it was hilarious. I thought it was hilarious.
We all had a laugh.

12.Someone Asked His Date to Punch Him
My first ever date: the guy makes a big deal about taking karate classes. Starts demanding that I try to hit him or kick him. I keep saying no, I don't want to, what if I hurt you? He INSISTS I can't possibly hit him because he will stop it with his sick karate moves. Finally, after about 20 minutes I agree to "try" to attack him. I kicked him square in the nuts at full strength. He cried like a baby. That was our last date ever.

13.Oops, That Was Scary!
When I was like seven, I was trying to impress the girl next door so I sat in my dad's car and said "watch this" and popped it out of gear and rolled it down a hill into the bushes lol.

14.Never Use Alcohol To Impress Ladies!
When I was 17 a friend of mine downed a bottle of wine to impress a girl, despite her protestations of both a lack of interest in him and concerns for his wellbeing. He drank it all, and then spent the rest of the night vomiting. She was not impressed.

15.This Dude Who Was Trying To Match
Saw this couple meet up for a date, the girl was in heels and was a few inches taller than the guy, so to compensate he started walking on his tip toes. While I was walking around town a few hours later I saw them again, and he was still on his toes. Dude must have some rock hard calves.
