Simple Solutions To Your 15 Slightly Annoying Everyday Problems
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 5:23 pm
By:James Fraser
Every day we face many challenges while doing our daily routine work. We often get annoyed because of them. We have a hard time finding solutions. For every annoying problem, there is always a smart solution. You don't have to invent or discover that solution. People already did it, and all you have to do is just follow the tips, tricks, hacks or whatever you call it. Here are simple solutions to fifteen annoying everyday problems.
1.Use Mayonnaise To Remove Sticker Residue
Electronics such as laptops, TVs, refrigerators, etc. come with branding or feature labels (stickers) on them. They look ugly, but when we try to remove them, they leave ugly adhesive remains. To remove those stubborn sticker residues, rub the affected area with mayonnaise or nail polish remover for a minute or two, and clean it off with a tissue paper or cloth. If you don't have mayonnaise at home, nail polish remover can do the job as well.

2.Easiest Way to Remove Labels on Clothing
For some reasons, some of us don't like those labels on clothes. They can be itchy. Sometimes, they spoil the look of your dress. If you want, you can easily remove them.
1. Examine the label. Clothing labels are usually a separate piece of cloth sewn onto the garment. In some cases, labels share the same fabric as the dress.
2. If the label is just an extension of your dress, carefully cut it with scissors without damaging the fabric around.
3. If the label is a separate piece of cloth or special paper sewn on to the garment, use a seam ripper and tweezers to remove the label. Check second and the third picture for reference.

3.Stop Those Annoying Java Notifications
Computer notifications can be very annoying. Java, in particular, has a bad reputation of frustrating users with frequent update notifications. To get rid of this, open the Java control panel by clicking on the Java icon present in the PC's taskbar notification area. Go to 'Update', and uncheck 'Check for Updates Automatically'. Don't forget to update the Java console manually. An outdated version of Java is insecure.

4.The Bobby Pin Lock Technique
Some time back, the internet was busy discussing the right way to use a bobby pin. Some say the wavy side should go down, while the others believe in the exact opposite. Let's not discuss that and instead learn this cool bobby pin lock technique that secures hair more tightly. Check the gif, and follow the same!

5.Instantly Know Which Side of the Car the Gas Tank is on
You frequently run into this problem when you drive your friend's car or a rental car. This frustrating thing happens when you buy a new car, or when you are completely new to driving. You don't need to get out of the car or ask people to help you. Check for the little arrow mark on the dashboard's fuel gauge. The arrow mark tells you which side of the car the gas tank is on.

6.Increase the Reach of Your Car Remote
Car remotes are great, but then you have to stand very near to the car to make a remote work. To increase the reach, hold the remote under your chin and keep your mouth opened. This way you are turning your head into a bigger antenna! There are videos on YouTube to prove that this actually works. You can try it too!

7.Hate Soggy Cereal?
In general, soggy cereal is good for health. However, most of us like and prefer eating crunchy cereal. Cereal gets soggier when you reach for the last few scoops left in the box. If you hate those tiny crumbs, use a colander to strain out the dust (crumbs).

8.Redeem a Gift Card Balance for Cash
Don't throw away those gift cards that are left with too little money to buy anything. When your gift card reaches to a point where you can't buy anything with the leftover money, ask the store to give a refund of the remaining balance. The retailers in the following ten states are legally required to refund the small leftover money to the gift card holders.
California (when the gift card's cash value is $10 or less), Colorado ($5), New Jersey ($5), Maine ($5), Rhode Island ($1), Vermont ($1), Massachusetts ($5), Montana ($5), Washington ($5), Oregon ($5).

9.Eat Your Burger Upside Down
The next time when you eat a considerably large burger, hold your burger upside down to eat it comfortably without breaking it into pieces. The top bun of a burger is two times thicker than the bottom one. It can hold the sandwich together effectively.

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10.Get Rid of Ants with Corn Powder
Having ants in your home can be very frustrating, particularly when you have small children at home. Don't use any pesticides to kill them. You don't have to. Put a cup of corn kernels (unpopped corn) in a blender until they form into a powder. Now put the powder near the ant colonies. Ants love corn meal, but they can't digest it. They will slowly die from starvation.

11.Too Lazy to Iron?
Hate ironing? Hang your clothes somewhere in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. Bring the clothes out and slightly dampen the wrinkled areas. Blow dry the wrinkled area with an air dryer. That's it. Your clothes are good to wear now!

12.The Permanent Marker Removal Guide
So how do you remove a permanent marker (sharpie)? Check this.
Clothes: Use hand sanitizer
Walls: Use toothpaste or hairspray
Wood: Use rubbing alcohol (surgical spirit)
Carpet: Use white vinegar
Ceramic or glass surface: Use tooth paste and baking soda mixed in equal parts

13.The Walnut Magic
Remove scratches and dings on wooden furniture effortlessly with a walnut. Rub walnut on the affected area, and you will be surprised to see the magic a walnut can do to your furniture.

14.Put Your Phone In Airplane Mode For Faster Charging
When you put your phone on airplane mode while charging, the battery gets charged faster. Cell phone signals drain out battery fast.
In addition, when you are left with little juice in the battery, you can always consider switching to airplane mode so you can access the phone for a longer period of time.

15.Peel Garlic in Less than 10 Seconds
Peeling an entire head of garlic takes time, and can be messy too. The easiest way to peel garlic is to put the garlic head in a box and shake it vigorously for 10 seconds. That's it. The job's done without making your hands smelly.

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