Renewable Energy Sources
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 9:48 am
1.Ocean Energy
Energy from ocean waves and tides can generate electricity, while ocean thermal energy comes from heat stored in the water. The ocean is a powerful force and can provide that same power to be used as energy on earth. Still in early stages, scientists are working to find the most cost effective way to use it.
2.Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen Energy is still in the early stages of development, but it has huge potential to be used as a fuel and energy source. Being the most common element on earth, it can be separated from other elements, such as water, and used to power vehicles, or used for heating and cooking.
3.Cellulosic Ethanol
Cellulosic Ethanol is found in plants, including wood, corn and soy. This source accounts for about half of the renewable energy in the country. Not the most sustainable, scientists are working to make it more consistent and steady, and to find the most cost effective ways to use it to our benefit.
Biogas may at first gross you out because it is created from animal waste, but it is a great source of energy for this nation. It also reduces pollution and allows farmers to generate their own heat and electricity. This clean burning gas is biodegradable and earth friendly, a win-win for the farmers and for us.
Biofuel is produced from living organisms such as plants or microalgae. Made from a biomass conversion, such as thermal, chemical or biochemical conversion, it can result in a solid, liquid, or gas fuel. OIl prices have been on the rise and this makes biofuel a hot commodity in our country.
6.Carbon Neutral & Negative Fuels
Carbon neutral fuel is produced from nuclear energy or carbonic acid in ocean water. This type of fuel does not emit greenhouse gases and replaces fossil fuels. Germany and Iceland are using carbon neutral fuels, and if America uses it, dependency on other countries for fossil fuels is eradicated from our culture.
7.Geothermal Power
Geothermal power uses the earth itself to produce heat and/or electricity. Using steam or hot water found under the earth, heat is generated. Direct use geothermal systems use energy from a well drilled into a geothermal reservoir to give off a steady stream of hot water, which is raised from the well.
8.Wind Power
Wind turbines are used to generate elecricity using two or three blades that spin with the wind above the ground. Tall towers hold the blades to capture the most wind, which travels down the tower and under the ground to make electricity. Wind energy is becoming the fastest growing renewable energy source.
9.Biomass Power
Biomass power comes from plants and is the second most important source of renewable energy in the country. Trees and grass increase our supply of biomass. Wood has been used the longest and still provides the largest source of energy and can be used for direct heating from burning the wood, or for generating electric heat.
10.Solar Power
Solar Power uses the sun for energy to provide heat, hot water, electricity, light and cooling for buildings. It accounts for 1% of the energy needs in the United States. Flat plate collectors are used to absorb the heat from the sun directly into water to heat water or spaces.
Hydropower uses water to generate electricity and is the most common of the renewable energy sources in the United States. Using a dam or river to store water, when it is released it flows through a turbine which spins and generates electricity, accounting for 7% of electricity used in this country.