Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:23 am
By:Tony Williams

1.You rely too much on it

If you are constantly posting on your wall or asking them what they are doing then perhaps you are living life wrong? Is it not better to communicate in person like you used to do? Stop being addicted to it and step away from your account.

You rely too much on it-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

2.Bad contacts

Imagine being in a relationship and breaking up with them. Now the chances are that you are friends with their friends, so now you have them to deal with. Sound horrible? Well it pretty much is horrible.

Bad contacts-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

3.New advertising

Facebook is looking at a new push of its advertising services, so you can expect to see more ads popping up all over the place. In all honesty it sounds as if you could be swamped by them and maybe getting away from it is the best idea.

New advertising-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

4.Too many apparent friends

Ok so you look at your friends list and there are 500. You sit and work through them and realize that you can only be bothered with a handful of those people. Do we need all of these apparent friends?

Too many apparent friends-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

5.It tells you that you know a complete stranger

This has to be one of the more annoying things about Facebook because it has this stupid habit of telling you who you should be friends with. This sounds interesting at the start, but how often do you have no idea who the friend is? How annoying is it?

It tells you that you know a complete stranger-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

6.It makes you sad

This is not just hearsay because there is actually a scientific study out there that came to the conclusion that people on Facebook are not as happy as others. This is linked to people that would be deemed heavy users as they are on there too often to actually enjoy life.

It makes you sad-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

7.Embarrassing pics

You are linked to your parents, and your closest friends know who your parents are and they might have linked to them. Now think about what happens when your mum posts a picture of you that she thinks is cute but it shows you as a baby. Is there a better reason to quit?

Embarrassing pics-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

8.Your parents are on there

Parents, and even grandparents, are now using Facebook to connect with people, so do you really want to be linked to them on there? Let's be honest they would be best not seeing what you get up to with your friends.

Your parents are on there-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

9.People do not care about what you are doing

There is an overwhelming sense of people being fed up of reading about what you are doing. Instead, they would prefer actual evidence and that is why the likes of Instagram is now so popular.

People do not care about what you are doing-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

10.Its annoying emails

Facebook seems to have increased the number of times it sends out basically spam email telling you all about friend requests, notifications, tags, and also asking if you know people. We are too busy to go and spend time dealing with this and if you are on the site several times a day do you need that?

Its annoying emails-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

11.Privacy issues

Facebook has come under fire for changes it made to its privacy settings. Basically unless you understand their complex settings you are going to have so much information on view to the world that you may as well tell them the size of shoes you wear.

Privacy issues-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now

12.It is decreasing in popularity

Facebook seems to have peaked and people are now using other things such as snapchat instead. You may have noticed it is a bit quieter on there lately and that is the reason why.

It is decreasing in popularity-Reasons Why You Should Leave Facebook Now



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