Polar Bear Facts
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 3:55 pm
1.Global warming
Global warming has had an impact on them as it is forcing them closer to humans as the ice melts and they look for food. It does mean that their numbers are going to drop quite considerably and indeed they are doing so at this minute, so when you think of the ice caps melting think of the polar bears.
2.Mother cub link
The cub is going to drink the milk of the mother for up to 20 months, but that allows them to really grow up big and strong and capable of withstanding most of what the Arctic has to offer them. They need to get their strength up or they would just quite simply die and that is certainly something that they have to avoid doing.
Considering the size of the bear when it is fully grown it does start off quite small. The newborn is going to be up to 14 inches long and weighs less than one pound, so you can understand why they need somewhere warm to keep them alive because surely that is not a good situation to be in.
They do not hibernate unlike other bears and the only time when they are not active is when it is the female and they are in the den with their cubs after they are born. It does mean that they are active even in the harshest of weather, so they are undoubtedly hardy and capable of withstanding so much.
5.Their bed
Their bed is more often than not a pit that they dig out of the snow as this will allow them to get down out of the wind, but still able to get out as and when required. It may not sound comfortable, but they seem to like it and who are we to tell them that perhaps their bed is not up to much.
A polar bear is going to sleep for around 8 hours a day, but they apparently also like to have a few naps just to top up during the day. This does mean that they sound very similar to us humans although we are not as fearsome as the polar bear.
If you see a polar bear running towards you, then you have a major problem. These bears can actually run at up to 40km an hour and this is going to be one scary view when you see this huge beast coming towards you. This is even more surprising with the fact that it is all on ice, so perhaps best to keep your eyes open for them coming near you.
When it comes to walking they are not the fastest and indeed you will often look at them and think that they are just plodding along. If they did not stop walking, then they would cover only around 3 miles in an hour, but if you consider the size of the bear it is actually not too bad.
Believe or not, but the polar bear actually stalks the seal itself and it does this by creeping up on one as it lies sleeping. It pauses every single time the seal moves its head and when it gets to within 20ft it pounces and kills it before it is able to actually get back into the sea.
10.Ringed seal
The main source of food for a polar bear is the ringed seal. They catch them by looking for the holes that are made in the ice so they can come up for air and when they do the bear lunges at them and kills them. That does mean that it is also a very good hunter.
The polar bear itself is not invisible of course, as that would be strange, but it does become pretty much invisible on infrared sights. The reason for that is due to its fur, so if you want to disguise yourself at any point, then polar bear fur is the way to go.
The adult male can weigh up to 700kgs while the female is about half. That really is a massive amount of weight to carry around with you and it makes it even more amazing that it can do anything never mind swim huge distances and walk for miles.