Most Creative Door Bells
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 6:43 pm
1.A recycled bicycle
So what do you do if you have an old bicycle complete with bell that you no longer use? Well one answer is to take the bell part and use it on your front door. At least this is going to make a noise, but you do need to work out how you hear it inside to save yourself from just leaving them hanging around outside.
2.He isn't happy
Oh dear, this guy does not look too happy, but then neither would you be if people were forced into pressing your nose on a regular basis. The design is quite clever and it is certainly going to amuse people that come to your door if you own this doorbell.
3.When things go wrong
The one thing you can say about this person is that they are indeed being very creative with their doorbell, so when it did go missing at least they looked at other alternatives. The bottle of rocks is certainly going to make a lot of noise and it will be distinctive, so give it a go yourself.
4.The foot bell
This door bell is different in that it involves you using your foot to press the buzzer. However, the problem here is that when you press it you do look rather strange from the side, but as long as you can get over that, then you should have no issues whatsoever.
5.Technology fights back
This doorbell is quite amusing with the apparent stats that it gives you and at least it is trying to give the impression of technology fighting back against more artistic forms of doorbells. OK it is not actually going to give an average weight and all of that stuff, but it at least gives people something to read while they wait on you.
6.The computer geek
This doorbell is certainly for the computer geek and you can see the appeal of having this at your own home. It is a rather simple idea, but it is one that is very effective and lets face it that is all you are going to be looking for with your doorbell.
7.A modern twist
This is in actual fact a doorbell and it works by you pressing one of the panels in the middle. The idea here is that it is going to blend in perfectly to a modern style apartment block and it is certainly very different to anything else in the market right now.
8.Play that tune
This piano doorbell allows visitors to try to play tunes while they wait on you to come to the door. This is certainly rather amusing and it is very different to anything else that you will have ever come across and surely you would be quite happy to own this?
9.Does it work?
OK so this doorbell might only work if you understand the joke about rednecks, but it is certainly creative and a bit different from the usual ding dong of a doorbell. The only problem with this version is that it is not going to work everywhere, so if you are in New York, then perhaps think of other alternatives.
10.Looks painful
Well you have to say that this does indeed look rather painful for the poor deer and it has to be the worst ending to its life. Imagine how it must feel that its butt is now there for everybody to see and people pressing it in order to gain access?
11.A nuclear explosion
This doorbell is certainly different since it resembles the sign for nuclear activity. Maybe it is designed like this in order to scare away door to door sales people? However, there is no doubt that it is well done and it should certainly put a smile on the face of anybody that presses it.
12.Press the frog
You have to admit that the idea of pressing in the mouth of a frog is certainly different from the normal doorbell. This is a simple, but effective, way to turn something that can often be quite boring into something that is cool and it would certainly brighten up any doorway.