Most Ironic Pictures
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 12:50 pm
1.Rusted Oleum
Isn't the whole idea of this product is that Rust-Oleum supposed to stop rust? That's what they advertise, anyway. However, this can of Rust-Oleum should be named Rusted-Oleum, because the spout and the can are obviously rusted. A funny and ironic twist to their claim, don't you think?
2.Procrastination Postponed
Do people think before they post something? It doesn't seem that way with this sign. The posting is about a Procrastination Workshop, meaning that it is for people who puts things off, postpone things, and wait until the last minute to complete tasks. Oh ... it's been postponed, probably by a procrastinating teacher.
3.Covering Up Pollutinon
Give a hoot, don't pollute? Well, this sign is very misleading, but very truthful if you look at it in the right way. While it may look like the workers are painting away the pollution, it could very well be that they are painting the pollution onto the sign. Which way do you see it?
4.Tossed In The Trash
A funny and ironic end to this compelling sign that warns us about throwing away our lives. To end up in the trash seems like an unfit place to be. Maybe the sign should be covered with a cloth or something so it's not look up at us so pathetically.
5.Safe Texting While Driving
Billboards are a huge distraction to drivers, especially when they give a warning and then leave a text number. It's even worse when the message warns about the dangers of texting but then gives a way to text. Just reading the billboard can cause accidents. /the sign should read, "Don't read this sign, look at the road."
6.When OK Is Not Okay
OK is a variable word that is used interchangeably and is often misunderstood. The word okay is often shortened to OK and used wrong in so many ways, and now with the introduction of the "OK" button meaning enter on so many devices, it is even more confusing. Confused, press OK?
7.A Limit On Unlimited
This hilarious and ironic sign is probably not realized by the store owners as to how ridiculous it sounds. If the magazines are unlimited then how could they be out of stock. Someone on the chain should have noticed this oxymoron. Maybe the wordsmith, the graphic designer, the store owner, someone could have stopped it before it went up.
8.Obesity And Fast Food
Ironically these two billboards were purchased by two very opposing companies. The top one speaks of childhood obesity and how they can help, but they are positioned over an ad for McDonalds, the biggest culprit in childhood obesity ever. The billboard company only collects the money and puts up the ads, they don't censor what goes where.
9.When Life Gives You Lemons
This is really what should be in a box of Life cereal. Life almost always gives you some lemons, but it's what you do with those lemons that speaks the most about your character as a human being. It's the game of life people, grab a lemon and make some lemonade ... or a lemon martini. The choice is yours.
10.Escalator To Fitness
How many times do you see this. Fitness facilities with elevators and escalators with supposedly fit people using them? Almost all the time, right? What about the fitness fanatics in your office building, or apartment complex, who take the elevator after a long run. So strange.
11.Graves Grave
In an ironic twist of fate, Doublas E. Graves has a grave under a gravestone marked "Graves." He had to know someday this would be his reality, and it seems there is another Graves waiting to be added to the gravestone. Say this all three times fast, it's quite the tongue twister.
12.Obedience Training
Seems Fido went to Obedience Training and that he even got a certificate, but what happened. He looks pretty darn guilty after tearing up his certificate in a fit of doggie rebellion. At least he looks remorseful, right? Maybe it's his way of saying, "you're not the boss of me."