Glow In The Dark Tattoos
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 8:59 am
1.Cool arm
When it comes to an arm tattoo, then would you not love to have one that looked like this? There is not too much going on with the tattoo, but that is a good thing in this instance because it would just look so wrong and out of place on an arm. Instead, it is perfectly balanced and the glow in the dark aspect just adds that extra something to it all.
This tattoo is cool even when it is not able to glow in the dark, but does this one not go up another level? The work that has gone into it is insane and ultimately you cannot help but just stare at it and if you had this tattoo you would get used to waking around with your top off in order to show everybody and anybody.
Getting a tattoo on your feet is something that a lot of people have done, but how cool is it when they are made to glow in the dark like this? The design itself is nothing special, but the entire thing just works as a whole and it is certainly much better than the alternative method that most people go for.
You have to admit that this has to be one of the best sleeves you will ever see in your life. This is so much better than all of the different colors that tend to appear in them because instead it is all about glowing in the dark and you can actually pick details out a lot better as well. This must be one of the best tattoos out there and the person has to be seriously proud of having it done.
Ok so it might be difficult to work out what is actually going on with this tattoo, but that does not take away the fact that it is very cool to look at and that it does indeed glow in the dark. With this tattoo it does work better that there is not a lot of detail in it as that would take something away from the design, so in all honesty it is just absolutely perfect.
This tattoo is clever in that only certain parts of it have actually been made to glow in the dark and the fact that they opted for the skulls does make it a bit more of a sinister tattoo to have done. However, the entire design is cool and you have to admit that you would be showing it off as much as you could if you were the owner.
This tattoo is actually quite big, but it does all glow in the dark as you can see and this alone makes it cool. Yes there may not be as much detail in there as you would like with your own tattoo, but surely the fact that it does this and glows makes up for a few mistakes here and there?
8.Star neck
Having these stars on the back of your neck and back is actually quite common, but having them glow in the dark really does make a difference. What happens is it takes a boring tattoo and makes it pretty special and of course if you have this tattoo you are now looking at it and wishing that this was you.
This tattoo is just something else because the entire body is just able to light up and glow in the dark. There is so much going on here that it really is impossible to actually describe it all and to do the tattoo justice, but it is enough to say that you just have to sit and marvel at it and the work that has gone into its completion.
Ok so you need to keep your head shaved in order to allow people to fully appreciate your tattoo, but that is absolutely fine when it is as cool as this. The tattoo artist has done a fantastic job, but people are going to stare at you in a club as they realize what you have had done.
11.Lets rock
Ok so getting lettering done can be cool, but that coolness factor has just been increased when you see them glow in the dark like this. It just takes the entire thing to a completely new level and turns what could have been a bit of an ugly tattoo into something cool.
How seriously cool is this tribal tattoo? This is so well done and if you are the type of person that loves to go clubbing, then you are going to get a lot of admirers making positive comments about how cool your tattoo is. In actual fact would you not just go under these lights anyway to stare at it yourself?