Geeky Christmas Decorations

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 8:37 am
By:Tony Williams

1.Spock Santa hat

How about getting into the festive spirit with this Spock Santa hat? You have to admit that it is a rather ingenious idea, but the chances of you looking rather strange with those ears are pretty high, but hey it is all for a good cause, so go with the flow you geek.

Spock Santa hat-Geeky Christmas Decorations

2.Captain Kirk

This is actually a tree ornament of Captain Kirk, but even though it is supposed to represent him sitting in his chair you cannot help but feel that it looks as if he is sitting on the toilet. That is certainly not the image you want to have around your lounge during Christmas.

Captain Kirk-Geeky Christmas Decorations

3.Superhero ornaments

If you are a fan of various superheroes, then is there going to be anything cooler than this set of ornaments? They are simple, but also extremely effective in that they represent a number of cool characters, so which one is your favorite?

Superhero ornaments-Geeky Christmas Decorations

4.Star Trek lights

Ahh nothing else says Christmas more than Star Trek and that is why these lights need to be on your must buy list this year. Watch with delight as William Shatner beams back at you every single day over the festive period and if that is not enough for you to wish it was all over, then who knows what will work.

Star Trek lights-Geeky Christmas Decorations

5.Pi stocking

What do you get the mathematics geek for their presents? Well that is simple because you go ahead and get them stockings in the shape of the symbol for Pi. This is going to be a surefire hit with them, but do be aware of the fact that they could start quoting the number at you in their excitement.

Pi stocking-Geeky Christmas Decorations

6.8 bit holiday wreath

OK so this is not exactly your traditional holiday wreath, but at the same time there is something quite cool about it. As you can see it is an 8 bit inspired wreath and fellow geeks will love this more than they would the traditional holly version.

8 bit holiday wreath-Geeky Christmas Decorations

7.Motherboard angel

Ok so you expect an angel to be all nice and pretty looking, but you are a geek and do you really want to do that? Instead, how about a different style of angel such as this one where it is made out of a motherboard?

Motherboard angel-Geeky Christmas Decorations

8.Circuit board wreath

This has to be the ultimate geeky wreath because how else could you explain the keys from a keyboard and circuit boards to complete the look? At least they have tried to add some festive cheer to it by using a red cable at the top, but where would it fit in your house?

Circuit board wreath-Geeky Christmas Decorations

9.Iron Man

This is actually an ornament to go on your Christmas tree that just has the head of Iron Man. You do have to wonder as to what on earth is going on here because at what point do you look at this character and automatically think of Christmas? Only die hard fans need to buy this.

Iron Man-Geeky Christmas Decorations

10.Space Invaders

Space Invaders is an absolute classic game and you do not have to be a geek to appreciate how amazing it was to play it. However, you do perhaps needs to be a bit of a geek to then have these Christmas decorations because they are a bit different from the norm, so they may not be for everybody.

Space Invaders-Geeky Christmas Decorations

11.Star Wars

If you love Star Wars, then surely you are going to love these Christmas decorations. The detail on them is simply amazing and lets face it, who does not love this little guy? OK he may not be Christmassy, but who cares!

Star Wars-Geeky Christmas Decorations


If you are a geek that loves to play video games, then are there going to be any better decorations for your Christmas tree than these controllers? You have to admit that they are seriously cool looking and of course you can then look at how many you own and your favorite games on those consoles.

Consoles-Geeky Christmas Decorations



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