Fifteen Most Satisfying Things In The World
Our life is nothing more than a journey on the road that has unpredictable twists and turns. The road of life, however, does have milestones, representing moments of happiness, satisfaction, pain and dejection.
Here are fifteen of the most satisfying things that we all once experienced or love to experience in our lives.
Whether you are in middle of an important meeting, or
struggling madly to locate a toilet outside, peeing after holding it for a long
time makes you feel terribly satisfied and complete, like nothing else can!
With you rushing, and the pee gushing, those satisfying moments just after you track
down a toilet, will fill you with gratitude and remain with you for your entire

Life is hard! It can be dry too! At times, life seems to
create instant deserts in your path, as you find yourself struggling to source precious
H2O, which should be the cheapest and most freely available life fuel (forget
about villas and super cars). Drinking water, finally, when you are thirsty is
one of life’s most satisfying feelings hence it is worth a strong mention.

Oh, you have had the itch for a long time? Sometimes it is
not appropriate to get down scratching in public. Here’s your time to escape
into hiding and scratch until the patch stops driving you insane. Scratching
those itchy curves and corners of the body gracefully (or until they bleed)
with eyes closed, gives those ultimate ‘itchgasms’ that are too good to miss
out on!

The fart that you held for a long time (for obvious reasons –
you are not an animal!) is all set for a loud launch in the comfort of your
personal space or toilet. This fart can give you the most satisfying few
seconds of life that just don’t come every day. If you do find this velocity of
fart to be frequent then you may need to examine your diet. Stop eating those

When the devil in your nose finally gives up, the same devil
which has been poking your nose with its pitchfork for the past few minutes, then,
you can sneeze out all frustration to experience feelings of satisfaction and
relaxation. Busting out a long teased sneeze gives so much satisfaction!

When the 'sh!t' stuck up your rectum finally comes out, my
goodness – what a joyous feeling! With life coming so hard at you sometimes you
no longer have the courage or power to force it out – but then, when you finally
manage to do it with that little piece of soul left in you, it is perhaps the
most painful and satisfying moment every human being experiences at least once
in a lifetime!

You wake up from deep sleep only to check there are a couple
more hours to sleep, and then get back under the sheets, happily, in a wonderful
mood as you know that you can lazily sleep a little longer! When your body
wakes you up before your alarm does, you tend to feel satisfied and rested,
which sets you up for a great and confident day ahead.

Who doesn’t love rain when you don’t have to be out in it? When
nature is going for a ‘jog’ on a Sunday morning, ‘sweating’ itself so hard that
it is wetting your home and neighborhood, playing thumping music on your
window, as you hide yourself comfortably under your thick blanket, slipping
into deep sleep, knowing blissfully that you don’t have to do anything for the

Walking with people whom you love most, holding their hands
can give you some very special moments that you remember forever. This is for
sure one of the most satisfying things to experience, as we usually only walk
holding hands with people who are very close to our hearts and lives.

The feeling you get during your last day at school is sometimes
even more satisfying than your entire vacation!
Most of us have spent our last day having a good time with friends and even
the teachers. Despite the fact that students often need to attend an
examination on the last day, it still feels awesome (after the exam is over) to
spend the last few hours at school, just knowing about the big vacation on your

It may be the first salary, or first sale at your new
business, the fact that you have earned some money for very first time goes
down as one of the life’s most satisfying moments. Even if you earn as little
as one dollar, in return for doing some work, it will make you happy and
inspired. Besides satisfaction, you will feel a strong sense of maturity and independence
that will set you up well for the rest of your life.

Finishing things like a school assignment, a big IT project,
or a DIY home renovation initiative – whatever it may be, after all the hard
work, patience and pain and the task is complete, it will give you such a great
moment of satisfaction that you will cherish for a long time. The feeling of
relaxation after completing a little or a big thing, especially those things
that have troubled you and haunted you in your dreams, is beyond

Your love is no longer an expression, as it took a physical
form, and entered our world as your baby! Nothing in this world can beat the
satisfaction of being a first time parent. You will be a proud parent, being
surrounded by feelings of happiness and relaxation. Becoming a first time mum
or dad is undoubtedly one of life’s most satisfying things.

We all love our dresses, and we love ourselves more without
dresses! Taking off your tight jeans at night, and letting the air touch and
soothe your bare skin gives tremendous satisfaction. And a little bit of thigh
scratching to get things moving again makes it just perfect!

Satisfaction is when it is cold outside, and you get into
shower to enjoy the perfectly warm water flowing down your back. The hot shower
fills your senses with deep satisfaction and relaxation.
