15 Most Disgusting Things People Ever Found In Their Food

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 6:29 pm
By:Mike Litzler

These unfortunate people found some really disgusting things in their food. Imagine eating your favorite food, and finding a nasty bug or something filthy right in the food bowl! Oh man, that will be a horrible sight. Locusts, cockroaches, human fingers, chicken brain, maggots, condoms are some of the disgusting things ever found in food. Read the horrific stories of people who found absolutely terrible things in their food. 
13.Kentucky Fried Kidney

Ibrahim Langoo from the United Kingdom found a rather disturbing thing in his food box. When opened the box of fried chicken he purchased from the local KFC, he found a wrinkled piece of the chicken, which he believed was a chicken brain. Upon inspection, KFC figured out the wrinkled thing was kidney. The company spokesperson said there's no harm in eating chicken kidney while apologizing for scaring their customer.

Kentucky Fried Kidney-15 Most Disgusting Things People Ever Found In Their Food

14.Condom In Rice Bowl

This got to be the most disgusting thing to be ever found in food. An unnamed Chinese student from Beijing found this nasty piece of rubber inside a rice bowl. Oh man, that was just horrible.

Condom In Rice Bowl-15 Most Disgusting Things People Ever Found In Their Food

15.Snake in Sea Food

A reddit user posted this picture after he found out a live snake inside his seafood food plate. You got to appreciate this man for taking a picture without instantly freaking out. This sight of the snake in a food plate would surely send most people flying out of their chairs!

Snake in Sea Food-15 Most Disgusting Things People Ever Found In Their Food
