15 Most Disgusting Things People Ever Found In Their Food
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 6:29 pm
By:Mike Litzler
These unfortunate people found some really disgusting things in their food. Imagine eating your favorite food, and finding a nasty bug or something filthy right in the food bowl! Oh man, that will be a horrible sight. Locusts, cockroaches, human fingers, chicken brain, maggots, condoms are some of the disgusting things ever found in food. Read the horrific stories of people who found absolutely terrible things in their food.
7.dead Mouse in bread loaf.
Stephen Forse, from Kidlington, bought the bread from a store in Bicester, in January 2009. He was shocked to find a dead mouse in his loaf of bread while making sandwiches for his children. Premier Foods, which makes the bread, was fined £16,821.14 after the firm admitted it had failed to ensure all stages of food production were protected against contamination.