Craziest Calendars For 2014
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 8:13 pm
1.Milky Pin-Ups
A glass of milk a day and a sexy woman dripping in it, will certainly keep the doctor away. A whole year of sexy women clad in various liquid formations of milk. Who would have thought of that!
2.Take That!
These days with everyone being so rude, this calendar makes sure you have your scathing remarks at hand. It will give you a sarcastic comment per day to store away.
3.Hot Jewish Guys
Some hot Jewish guys for the year of 2014. This is certainly a novel idea, but where can it lead? How Zen Buddhist guys next?
4.Chrome and Couture
If you have a 'thing' about chrome and couture, this calendar with make your day. Beautiful elegant gowns photographed with high end chrome elegance.
5.Mad Cats
No calendar collection would be complete with the cute cats. Except these are a little more zanier. Check out the eyes on the cat on the left.
Due to popular demand the Hot Chicks with Coffins calender is out! Perhaps we need not ask! However, at what point do you start to think that this is a good idea?
If you have been hunting for the puppies do yoga calendar the good news it is finally out and published! See how happy the dog on the front cover is at that news.
8.At Last!
People can rest in their beds at night, now that the taxi driver calendar is out! What a brilliant, but crazy, idea for a calendar. Watch out for other cities following their lead.
9.What Fun Does A Nun Have?
Nuns do have fun, allegedly and here there are 12 pages of Nun fun to look at. The mind boggles as to what will be in this.
10.Oh Yes!
Tired of all the female calendars about? Time to get your own. Whoever thought of making a fire-fighter calendar was pure genius. Now where are the matches?
Hot women coupled with sexy cars has long been a cliche. Here, with this calendar it has a renewed look about it. Funky hot girls with cute spunky cars.
12.What Could Be Better?
This should be a super sell out, what could be cuter than hot men coupled with the sweetest baby animals? All together now..awwwww
13.Football and Super Hot Women Calendar
This could be a very coveted calendar for the lovers of football. Featuring the World Cup and a bevy of super hot models.