Craziest Christmas Tattoos
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 6:06 pm
1.Double -Mint Santa
Why get one Santa tattoo, when you just get two? This is the famed Santa from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Even though this person got the skinny version of Santa inked on him twice, he was still too big to fit on just one hand. The tattoo looks like an intricate sketch; But Santa does look a tad morbid with that butter knife in his hand.
2.Jesus Tattoo
With all the commercial hubbub, people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. This tattoo focuses on the true meaning behind celebrating both Easter and Christmas, which of course is Jesus. The mere detailing on this tattoo is enough to blow your mind. The Jesus figure's robe appears to be white due to shading, but it's just skin!
3.Yukon Cornelius Tattoo
This is what probably really happened to Yukon Cornelius when he slipped off that mountain with the Abominable Snowman. Cornelius is the funny guy from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer who stole the show. The tattoo looks just like the character, but he's obviously been decapitated and had a branch stuck through his head like a shish kebab. The funny thing about this tattoo is that it's placed next to a brass knuckles tat.
4.Creepy Santa
This Santa is ready to steal your soul. Santa is a chubby elf with eyes that twinkle and a plump round belly. This Santa is nothing like the guy you read about or see on television. This tatted Santa resembles Freddy Krueger before the boiler room incident. And to top It all off, this Santa has a snaggle tooth.
5.Mr. Hanky
Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo should have been flushed away years ago. Unfortunately, this individual decided to keep him alive by inking a tattoo of the odd South Park character. No one wants to be near poop, but for some reason this person wants to keep it close to him. Mr. Hanky looks more like a peanut here, but it's disgusting nonetheless.
6.Yoda Christmas Tattoo
Even Yoda is getting into the Christmas spirit. The wise Star Wars character has been designed to mimic jolly old St. Nick. The tattoo artist kept to the standard stoic image of Yoda, but even Yoda would crack a smile around Christmas time. Even with all of his wisdom, it's doubtful that Yoda even knows what Christmas is all about.
7.A Christmas Story Tattoo
A Christmas Story is one of the most popular holiday films of the 21st century. Though this individual didn't get the infamous BBGun scene tatted on his leg, this tattoo is just as recognizable. The tattoo is of the hideous leg lamp the family was obsessed with in the film. It's not real, but this cartoon version is just weird and odd as the real thing.
8.Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoo
This guy could never get a job in corporate America with a tattoo like that on his arm. The Nightmare Before Christmas isn't a traditional holiday tale, but people all over the world love the main character - Jack Skeleton. This tattoo manages to make Jack look even more devilish than he does in the movie.
9.Lively Tree Tattoo
Someone is a little more than enamored with Christmas. This tree was inked so well, that it's crazy! This Christmas tree looks good enough to be on the pages of a children's book. The amount of detail and intricate shading used to create this tree is astonishing. It's unbelievable that someone has this inked on their body.
10.Masked Santa Claus Tattoo
This is not the kind of Santa Claus you'd want climbing down your chimney and bringing your kids gifts. The tattoo itself more than likely took a few hours to create. However, Santa Claus resembles a WWE wrestler who is about to step into the ring. He looks creepy and odd.
11.Christmas Reindeer Tattoo
Dasher is ready for his close up. This tattoo artist has given the Christmas reindeer the royalty treatment. The huge tattoo has the reindeer encircled by a golden frame. The artwork looks more like an oil painting, as opposed to a tattoo. It's not a very festive tattoo, but the intricacy of the tart is amazing!
12.Monkey Santa Tattoo
The Santa in this tattoo looks like a science experiment gone wrong. Jolly Old St. Nick resembles a man mixed with an ape or monkey. Santa Claus is supposed to plump and jolly. This guy appears to be deep in thought like a philosopher. He also seems to be severely constipated.