15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 1:23 pm
By:James Fraser
If you keep searching for those dating tips or life advices, you should stop it right now! What you are about to read is not some of those simple survival life tips or hacks. These are psychological hacks, and how you can use them to make things work your way. These tricks will help you gain control over people, and make them do what you want. Don't waste time trying to impress people. You can rather make them attracted to you. Here are fifteen amazing psychological tricks that help you win over life and people.
13.Get Free Booze for the Night
When you are out partying with friends and you don't have the money to last the entire night, spend all the money you have with you on buying the first round. You will be surprised to see how all of your friends are going to spend on you for the rest of the night. There is always this 'feel good' thing linked to buying the first round.