15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 1:23 pm
By:James Fraser

If you keep searching for those dating tips or life advices, you should stop it right now! What you are about to read is not some of those simple survival life tips or hacks. These are psychological hacks, and how you can use them to make things work your way. These tricks will help you gain control over people, and make them do what you want. Don't waste time trying to impress people. You can rather make them attracted to you. Here are fifteen amazing psychological tricks that help you win over life and people. 
1.Give them a Choice without Actually Giving a Real Choice

If you want someone to do something for you, don't just ask them if they are willing to do it or not. Ask them if they are willing to do it now, or at a later time. Ask them if they are willing to do it completely at once, or in phases. Example: A kid hates eating okra. The mother asks him if he wants to eat 3 okras or 5 okras. The kid chooses 3. The mom gave a choice, which isn't actually a choice. 

Give them a Choice without Actually Giving a Real Choice -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

2.Show the Dark Side of You to People

No one is perfect. Everyone has their own dark side. If you particularly want someone to trust you more, show some part of your dark side to them. You can tell them a bad thing you did when you were young. The other person thinks you trusted them and feels obligated to trust you back!  

Show the Dark Side of You to People-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

3.Don't Like Someone Joking about You? Stop Them!

If someone is joking about you or your friend in a group, and you don't like it, ask the person to repeat the joke again, pretending you didn't hear it. Midway through the joke, you ask them to stop, walk away from the place pretending you got a phone call. Come back, and ask them to repeat the joke again. A joke no longer stays a joke when someone repeats it multiple times. 

Don't Like Someone Joking about You? Stop Them!-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

4.When You Want to Make People Trust Your Words

If you want to make people take your words seriously, tell them something like, "this is what my father taught me when I was a kid." People have the habit of believing in elderly advice. 

When You Want to Make People Trust Your Words-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

5.Asking the meaning of someone's name

Whenever you are interacting with someone and want them to like you, Just ask them what is the meaning or story behind their name. Most people hate their name but when someone asks a story behind it, It makes the person feel, you are actually interested in them and thus they like you more.

Asking the meaning of someone's name -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

6.Bank on the Non-rounded Numbers

Which number looks attractive, $99.99 or $100? All companies use non-rounded numbers to price their product. Such numbers help them save taxes too but If you price something, or use numbers for statistical purposes, always use non-rounded numbers. People automatically think the numbers are well thought out. 

Bank on the Non-rounded Numbers-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

7.Sit Beside People to Avoid Confrontation

If you want to avoid being confronted by a person, just sit next to them. It makes them feel very awkward, and they can't rant out like they do when you are in front of them. No one can confront, argue or bad mouth people who are sitting next to them. 

Sit Beside People to Avoid Confrontation -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want


8.Want to Win in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Game?

Before the game begins, ask the player a random question. This makes their brain go into a defensive mode to prepare to answer the question. A defensive mind is most likely to throw a scissors. 

Want to Win in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Game? -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

9.The Art of Selling

If you want to increase sales, try this trick. People love it when they get something for free. When the 'free something' is very useful, they are surely going to make a purchase. If your product is fairly new, piggybank on the popular products, and give them for free. Increase the price of your product so it covers the cost of the freebie as well. 

The Art of Selling-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want


10.A Simple Way to Gain Trust

If you want someone to trust you, borrow little things from them and return them back. The things can be as little as a pen. When you return them their thing, their brain registers a token of trust on you. Don't shy away from asking people to do little favors for you. It builds trust. 

A Simple Way to Gain Trust-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

11.Finding Your Admirer in a Group

So, who loves you the most in your group? If you want to know the answer, just crack a joke when you are with your friends, and see which person looks at you longer while laughing. He or she is the one who likes you more, and probably wants to be a little closer. 

Finding Your Admirer in a Group-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

12.Right Way to Meet People

If you are meeting a person like a potential buyer or investor for the first time, always meet them at their place. This makes them feel that they are in a comfort zone, and have the situation under control. They will be relaxed, and you can use it to your advantage. 

Right Way to Meet People-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

13.Get Free Booze for the Night

When you are out partying with friends and you don't have the money to last the entire night, spend all the money you have with you on buying the first round. You will be surprised to see how all of your friends are going to spend on you for the rest of the night. There is always this 'feel good' thing linked to buying the first round.

Get Free Booze for the Night -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

14.Notice the Eye Color of People When You First Meet Them

By noticing the eye color, you spend a little more time looking into their eyes. Eye contact is the first sign of confidence. When you look people straight in their eyes, you are actually impressing them and winning over their trust and friendship. 

Notice the Eye Color of People When You First Meet Them -15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

15.Ask for a Bigger Favor

Ask people for a bigger favor than you need. You obviously know they are going to reject it. Once they reject it, ask them to do a small favor (the favor you actually need). They feel guilty and obligated to help you out!

Ask for a Bigger Favor-15 Psychological Tricks To Always Get What You Want

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