Bad Things Which Are Genetic

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 7:10 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Heart Disease

Heart disease can be genetic, but with proper check ups and monitoring you don't have to develop the disease. Proper diet, exercise, not smoking, de-stressing and regular checkups should be able to ward it off for the most part. Watch cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, and try to keep them under control.

Heart Disease-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Type 1 Diabetes can be genetic and passed down from your parents. Being born with diabetes can be tough because children have a hard time managing their blood sugar levels. Proper monitoring and medication should be able to keep it under control. Diabetes 2 can appear later in life to to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, but again, may be genetic.

Diabetes-Bad Things Which Are Genetic

3.High Cholesterol

You don't eat a lot of fat, you exercise and you watch your cholesterol intake yet you have high cholesterol. Well, you may have mom and dad to blame, and they may have grandpa and grandma to thank. High cholesterol is genetic and for some it may be higher than it should be. Medication should manage it for you.

High Cholesterol-Bad Things Which Are Genetic

4.High Blood Pressure

You may eat right, exercise and lead a stress free life, but still have high blood pressure. That's becomes sometimes it's genetic. The best you can do is manage it with medication, eating less salt, de-stressing and leading a healthy lifestyle. With proper management a person can lead a normal life.

High Blood Pressure-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Depression is clinical. It is not someone just being sad, it is due to lack of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for happy feelings, feeling of well being and feelings of contentment. People with depression suffer from receptors in the brain that remove the serotonin too quickly.

Depression-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Anxiety can be genetic and passed down from one generation to another. Nervousness, worry, panic and anxiety can be mild to severe, and sometimes can affect people's lives. Treatments with medications and psychotherapy are often affective as alleviating any stresses in life. Anxiety sufferers can easily identify it in their children, and get them help right away.

Anxiety-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a genetic disease that can be passed down through the generations. It is characterized as the inability to concentrate, outbursts, and lack of attention, children with this disorder have a hard time in class. There are treatments for it that include drug and psychological therapy.

ADHD-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Allergies are often passed down from one generation to another. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and more are the annoying symptoms allergy sufferers deal with every day. You may be allergic to dust, pollen mold spore and pet dander, and if you are you may pass it down to your children.

Allergies-Bad Things Which Are Genetic

9.Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized as the constant need to move your bowels at inconvenient times. It can be embarrassing to sufferers who suddenly have to leave the room, or use someone's bathroom. It can be treatable with a change in diet, where some people are sensitive to certain foods that cause it to be worse.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Migraine headaches are often genetic, so chances are that if your mother or father have them, you may have them as well. They may not show up until later in life, or may be more mild or worse than your parents. Characterized by light sensitivity, excoriating pain and vomiting, these headaches can last from hours to days.

Migraines-Bad Things Which Are Genetic


Eczema is passed down in your genes. Chances are one or both of you parents either had it when you were conceived, or were carrying it. Characterized by flaky, red, scaly skin that is itchy and painful, babies born with it often have socks or special pajamas over their hands to prevent scratching and bleeding.

Eczema-Bad Things Which Are Genetic

12.Vision Problems

Vision problems can be passed down from one generation to the other. Near sightedness and far sightedness are the least of the problems and can be rectified with glasses or contacts. But eye diseases like cataracts can be more serious, so regular eye exams should be performed on high risk patients.

Vision Problems-Bad Things Which Are Genetic



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