Americas Most Drunken Cities

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 8:23 am
By:Tony Williams

1.Reno, NV

Reno is full of lights, but it also seems to be full of people that like to drink alcohol. Maybe it is the party atmosphere that does it, but the population certainly knows how to give itself liver disease.

Reno, NV-Americas Most Drunken Cities

2.Fresno, CA

Fresno is the city with the biggest drink problem in California and indeed when it comes to deaths by liver disease it ranks second in the entire country. It is also fourth when it comes to DUI arrests, so the cops are certainly kept busy.

Fresno, CA-Americas Most Drunken Cities

3.Lincoln, NE

Lincoln is a cool place and it seems as if the population really do know how to have a good time. They say that just over 25% of the population has a problem with binge drinking while just under 8% are seen as heavy drinkers. That is quite a lot of people in a normal sized city.

Lincoln, NE-Americas Most Drunken Cities

4.Bozeman, MT

Bozeman is quaint, but clearly things must change at night when you look at the figures of the number of people that get drunk. Almost one in four people are classed as a binge drinker while just under 9% are a heavy drinker, so being a bar owner here is a good business move.

Bozeman, MT-Americas Most Drunken Cities

5.Tallahassee, FL

You would think that the Florida lifestyle would be quite healthy, but that does not appear to be the case in Tallahassee. Here they say that 22.2% of the population are binge drinkers whilst a staggering 12.1% are heavy drinkers. That must be due to all of the BBQ's.

Tallahassee, FL-Americas Most Drunken Cities

6.Lawrence, KS

On the face of it Lawrence is a sweet and pleasant city to visit, but in actual fact it does also have a drinking problem. 25.9% of the population here are binge drinkers while another 8.6% are heavy drinkers.

Lawrence, KS-Americas Most Drunken Cities

7.Milwaukee, WI

When it comes to a reasonably sized city then Milwaukee is quite probably the biggest drinking city in America. A mind blowing 26.3% of the population is classed as a binge drinker while 9% is a heavy drinker, so there are a lot of hangovers there each day.

Milwaukee, WI-Americas Most Drunken Cities

8.Brookings, SD

Yes this may be basically in the middle of nowhere, but does that actually explain why there is such a drinking issue here? 23.7% of the population are classed as binge drinkers while a staggering 11.8% are heavy drinkers. This does mean that one in three of the population drink on a regular basis.

Brookings, SD-Americas Most Drunken Cities

9.Fort Collins, CO

It looks as if the only thing to do here is to drink alcohol and the public certainly know how to do that. Statistics state that 26.4% of the population are binge drinkers and 9.3% are heavy drinkers.

Fort Collins, CO-Americas Most Drunken Cities

10.Missoula, MT

With Missoula it may be lower in binge drinkers, but is higher in heavy drinkers. Here you will find 26.9% as binge drinkers and a whopping 10.4% as heavy drinkers.

Missoula, MT-Americas Most Drunken Cities

11.Columbus, NE

This Columbus runs Fargo pretty close when it comes to official figures. Here you will get 28.4% of people classed as binge drinkers while 9% are heavy drinkers.

Columbus, NE-Americas Most Drunken Cities

12.Fargo, ND

Fargo is officially the drunkest city in America. It has won this title as 28.2% of its population are classed as binge drinkers while another 9.6% are heavy drinkers. It sounds like bars are doing a pretty good trade there.

Fargo, ND-Americas Most Drunken Cities



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