Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 3:55 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Lock and key

This tattoo is cool because the two of them do work well together and there is more than enough of the 3D effect to make you feel as if they are real things and simply sitting on top of the skin rather than being tattooed into it. Yes they may not be the most elaborate ones you will ever see, but they are effective and that is the main thing.

Lock and key-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos

2.Inner workings

This is another cool example of those inner workings tattoos that really do leave an impression. This one is so complicated and the artist must have taken hours to complete it and make sure that everything just kind of works. There really are so many different components to look at that you never know where to look next.

Inner workings-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


This might be a bit of a stretch as it is on the back of the wrist as well as the back of the hand, but how cool is it? Those eyes are going to haunt you from the moment you look at them and ultimately it is a tattoo that really shows how talented the artist is as it just looks so life like.

Face-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


Yes this tattoo shows a lock on the wrist, but the way in which it has been designed is outstanding. You feel as if there is actually a key somewhere that will fit that, but then what is it going to open? However, no matter what this is a tattoo that is seriously cool and very, very well done.

Lock-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos

5.3d frog

This little guy is so cool and you do feel like he could leap off the wrist and croak away until his heart is content. The color in the tattoo just adds to it, but it is the detail in even his skin that completes the effect. This must have taken a long time to complete, but it was clearly worth it.

3d frog-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos

6.Wasp eye

So this is actually a couple of small tattoos put together on the one wrist, but each one is very good and each one does appear as if it is leaping up off the person as well. That wasp is so cool and you can almost feel his wings beating and hear him buzzing around. With the eye you also feel as if it is looking back at you making both of them such cool tattoos to own.

Wasp eye-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


Ok so this is on the back of the wrist, but it still counts and you have to admit that as butterflies go this is a very cool one. You can be forgiven for thinking that it is going to just leap up off your arm and fly off as it really does look so life like, so the artist has to be congratulated for doing something so good.

Butterfly-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


How amazing is this tattoo and what a brilliant idea it is. You really can have fun with this camera on the wrist, but it would have looked better if it was a guy behind it and he had his hands up to complete the effect. However, the detail in it is outstanding and it is such a fun thing to have.

Camera-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


Having a spider as a tattoo is surprisingly popular, but having a 3D one on your wrist is clearly not for somebody that is scared of them. This tattoo does instantly make you feel as if it is crawling down their arm and if you hate spiders it is perhaps best to look away now.

Spider-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


Is this tattoo giving us a glimpse of what is actually inside us all? The detail in this tattoo is second to none and you have to admit that it could freak some people out as soon as they set eyes on it due to the way in which it really does leap out at you. Oh and how cool is the skin?

Robot-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos

11.Wrist guitar

How cool and freaky is this tattoo? It is undoubtedly very well done indeed and the effect is that you really do start to think that this guy has a guitar in his arm. How they have managed to get the skin to look like that is a mystery, but the artists is very talented and the person should be very proud of it.

Wrist guitar-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos


OK so this idea is quite simple, but the 3D effect has actually been enhanced by the way that there is some blood making it look as if it has actually pierced the skin. This just adds a certain bit of coolness to this tattoo and it certainly makes it very different to the more mundane images that the person could have had done.

Diamond-Amazing 3D Wrist Tattoos



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