15 Weird But Good Paying Jobs That Don't Require You To Be Naked In Front Of Someone
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 1:22 pm
By:James Fraser
Some people choose inappropriate careers thinking that there are no good opportunities around them to make decent money. The world never runs out opportunities. Do you know that you can make good money by walking other's dogs? Yes! Let us show you a few more of the world's weird and little-known professions! The pay is decent too. The best thing is that none of these jobs require you to be nude in front of someone!
7.Bomb Disposal Diver - Up to $100,000 a year
Many countries around the world hire bomb disposal divers, who are specialists in diffusing bombs under the water. What's so special about the job? Well, how often do you think one will be called to diffuse a bomb under the water? Very rarely, right?