15 Things Every Retail Employee Secretly Wants You To Know
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 2:37 pm
By:James Fraser
People who work at retail stores always hope their fellow human beings a.k.a. customers act well. As we know, not all humans are same; there are many of them who behave badly, oddly or strangely with retail employees. Yes, retail employees are those people you usually see at supermarkets, grocery stores, restaurants, and other stores etc you take your order, help you and service you. Here are fifteen things every retail employee secretly wants you to know.
7.Never Visit a Store Five Minutes Before Closing Unless It's an Emergency
Try to avoid visiting stores or restaurants just before they close. Just like how you can't wait to go back to home from office, Retail employees too want to go back to their home. Unfortunately, they can't tell you to go away. They have to serve you.