15 Things Every Retail Employee Secretly Wants You To Know
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 2:37 pm
By:James Fraser
People who work at retail stores always hope their fellow human beings a.k.a. customers act well. As we know, not all humans are same; there are many of them who behave badly, oddly or strangely with retail employees. Yes, retail employees are those people you usually see at supermarkets, grocery stores, restaurants, and other stores etc you take your order, help you and service you. Here are fifteen things every retail employee secretly wants you to know.
1.No Point Bargaining With Us
Bargaining isn't cheap! The whole world bargains in one or the other way. Customers, however, need to remember that there is no point bargaining with retail employees. Almost all products in stores come with a fixed price printed on them. Pricing is controlled by owners of stores/business establishments.

2.Don't Swear us
Some people are always rude enough to mess with retail employees when there's something wrong. If you think you have received a bad product or bad customer service, complain to the higher authorities or head office. You can't hold retail employees responsible for broken and damaged products.

3.Please Read Refund Policy Clearly Before Initiating a Refund Request
Sometimes people return products just because they don't like them. There is a thing called 'return policy' and every customer needs to be aware of it. When retail employees explain them about return policies, people go mad and start yelling at them. You can inquire stores about their refund policies at the time of buying something.

4.We Truly Wish You Don't Come Again
Isn't this the most popular sentence ever used by customers throughout the world? People working in retail daily listen to people saying stuff like 'I'm not going to come to this store again', 'this is the last time we buy something here' etc. While retail employees may never say a word back, but they truly wish you stick to your word and never visit the store again!

5.We Want you to ask us What You Need than Making a Mess by Searching for Things
All stores employ people just to help customers in finding what they want. If you can take help of a store assistant or someone who is there to help, you can find the product you are looking for in a flash. You don't need to pull hundred different things out before finding the one you are looking for.

6.We wish you directly give us the things you don't want other than placing it anywhere in store
People who are work at big stores can relate. Unfortunately, many people do this thing. If you take out something from a particular place in a store, and if you don't want it later for various reasons; place the item back in its original place or hand it over to employees working there.

7.Never Visit a Store Five Minutes Before Closing Unless It's an Emergency
Try to avoid visiting stores or restaurants just before they close. Just like how you can't wait to go back to home from office, Retail employees too want to go back to their home. Unfortunately, they can't tell you to go away. They have to serve you.

8.If You are a Serious Buyer, Let us Know, We Will Help you
You may not agree, but it's true that you can shop better if you seek help from someone who is actually employed to do that. They absolutely don't have any problem with time-wasters unless they come in busy business periods. If you are a serious buyer, they can really help you in finding things you are looking for.

9.Don't Throw Puzzles at us
Retail employees are always there to help. But, make sure you are clear on what you actually want to buy.
'I want that shampoo which I have seen in a TV ad yesterday. It has a blue bottle. Sorry, I forgot the name. Can you help me find that' – Avoid questions like these.
'I have this dandruff problem. I don't know much about shampoos. Can you help me finding a right one?' – Ask questions like these, and we assure you will not be disappointed with employee's response.

10.Don't Treat us Like Brand's Spokespersons
Retail employees don't completely know about the products that are offered in their store. They have a general idea, which they get from formal training classes held either by the store management or the brands. If you have more questions about a product, try to contact the customer service representatives of particular brands for more information.

11.Don't Argue About Expired Coupons, Failed Credit Card Transactions Etc
Most customers lose their cool when employees tell them that there's something wrong with coupons or their payment sources. Remember, employees don't reject your coupons or credit cards. It's the system that does. In such cases you should contact the providers of coupons or credit cards.

12.Sorry For Annoying You With Our Politeness
It's the duty of a store employee to greet you and ask you if you need some help regarding your shopping. At times, they sound like they are annoying you, but it is their duty. They know you will be annoyed by them with their constant greeting/questioning, but they are being paid to do that.

13.Don't Ask us Why a Product is Out of Stock, and When It Will Come Back
Store employees may not know in-depth details about stock. People who work in inventory management will have answers to your questions. Unfortunately, you are not going to meet any one them at store! When retail employees say 'soon', 'next week' etc, they might be simply giving you a random answer.

14.We Never Lie to You about Stock
Some customers strangely behave thinking employees are intentionally not selling them something. They keep asking them if they have anymore pieces/products left in warehouse. Remember, retail employees' job is all about selling stuff. They can't or will not lie in this regard.

15.Last But Not Least, We are Humans Not Robots
Retail employees are humans too! We see many people losing cool and start bashing them at point of sales telling them they are working slow. Remember, they are also humans, and they don't have any special powers to finish things fast. They are trained to work at a steady space where they make mistakes.
