15 Signs You Might Be An Ambivert
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 9:32 pm
By:James Fraser
Most people don't fit into the single category of introversion or extroversion. They possess and display the traits of an introvert as well as an extrovert. Such people are called ambiverts. When someone asks you if you are an introvert or extrovert, and if you can't decide between the two, don't simply say you are both! Tell them you are an ambivert! Let's see how many of us are ambiverts. Read fifteen signs that prove if you maybe an ambivert.
1.Your Idea of Meeting New People
You don't like to start a conversation with complete strangers. However, you would like to talk to them and make friends when you meet them along with your friends.

2.You only Talk on the Subject You're Good at
Introverts hate talking. Extroverts can't stop talking. Ambiverts love to talk only on the things that they are good at. As soon as a discussion is over, ambiverts go back to their silent mode.

3.You Hate Spending too Much Time with People
You find spending too much time with people exhausting, even if they are your friends or family members. You have 'socializing neurons' in your brain, but they expire after some time.

4.You are Not What Your Friends Think You are
You know how calm, composed and a highly professional human being you are. Your friends often don't perceive your character the way you perceive yours.

5.You Find it Difficult to Assert Yourself at Times
You are confident. However, at times, you find it tricky to assert yourself. You then start thinking that you are weird.

6.You Love Partying... But...
You go out, spend hours partying with friends, but you never know when your mind wants you to stop it and head back to home! You are an ambivert if you get that strong urge to abandon a party in middle and go back home.

7.You are Confused about Yourself
Sometimes, You relate yourself to the qualities of an introvert. You relate yourself to the extrovert qualities as well, This confusion is the biggest sign that you are an ambivert.

8.You Move Along Great with Your Introvert and Extrovert Friends
You basically find both introverts and extroverts normal. You don't find any peculiarities in their behavior or attitude because you relate to both of them.

9.You Love Pampering Yourself
You like weekend parties, but you also love spending time with yourself, reading a book, or drinking beer over the weekend. However, you hate it when you have to spend too much time alone.

10.You Think Before You Speak
You are very careful about what you speak. You don't simply blurt out random words. You aren't completely quiet at the same time. This special feature of you makes you a special person in your friends circle.

11.You are Great at Balancing Things
When you are hanging out with loud people, you stay quiet. When you hang out with the silent ones, you do the talking. You try your best to balance the situation.

12.You are Smart, and Sharp
13.Your Mood Swings
Sometimes, everything around you looks awkward. You start to observe things, You are not involved. Other times, you just live the moment and enjoy it to the fullest.

14.You Love the Attention... But...
Unlike introverts, you love attention. However, you want the attention in a right context. For example, you want people to laugh when you crack a joke. You like it when they appreciate you for the good things you do. However, you don't specifically do anything to grab someone's attention.

15.When Your Friends Say this to You
When your friends say, "What's wrong with you today?" frequently, you are an ambivert! It is so because of your switching between introvert and extravert moods confuse them big way.
