15 Home Cleaning Hacks That Make Cleaning Easy
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:33 pm
By:James Fraser
Unless you are obsessed with cleanliness, you are not going to enjoy your time in cleaning stuff at home. And yes, cleaning is one such boring and exhausting task. So, to make all your cleaning tasks shorter and simpler, we have made this highly useful list. These cleaning hacks are easy to try, and save you big time and effort.
4.Lemon + Baking Soda + Vinegar + Tooth brush = Clean Sink
Your kitchen sink is probably dirtier than your toilet seat(well in case of germs). It can be a host to a wide range of disease causing germs. Sink drain/trap is the dirtiest place in a sink. You have every reason in the world to keep your kitchen sink clean, particularly the drain.
Hack: Use lemon,vinegar, baking soda and tooth brush to keep your sink's garbage disposal clean.
How do you do it? Sprinkle half cup of baking soda around sink drain. Pour some white vinegar on it, and allow it work with baking soda. This combination makes a buzzing noise. Use a tooth brush to clean off gunk. Boil some water in a kettle, and pour hot water on sink trap. Place two to three half cut lemons on sink trap, and let the tap water flow.