15 Common Mistakes That Travelers Do Abroad
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 11:29 am
By:James Fraser
Traveling abroad is fun only when you know the customs and culture of the visiting country completely. Due to the immense culture difference between countries around the world, one needs to understand that something that's a good gesture in their country could mean offensive in the other parts of the world. Here are fifteen common mistakes travelers do abroad.
1.Talking about Money in France
If you are a big fan of money and can't stop talking about it, France is definitely not your destination. People in France don't appreciate when you talk about money! Don't even ask your French hosts money unless you badly need it.

2.Honking in New Zealand
Honking is acceptable in most countries. In some countries, honking is the only way to clear the traffic or sheep ahead! Honking is not at all acceptable in New Zealand. Honking is not illegal in New Zealand; it is just not socially acceptable.

3.Tipping is Offensive in Japan
Never ever tip people for a service in Japan. People of Japan are not quite used to this tipping thing. Your tip may be confusing to them, and in worst case, it can be insulting too. If you are planning to visit Japan, make sure you have a good idea on their culture before leaving your country.

4.Ok Sign is Not Okay in Turkey
OK sign (sign made by connecting thumb and index finger to form a circle) is a popular hand gesture that is used throughout the western world. However, if you are traveling to Turkey, make sure you don't make this hand gesture. In Turkey, this hand gesture means someone is a homosexual!

5.Be Prepared For Harsh Local Jokes In Mexico
Jokes that might sound rude, insulting or racist are quite normal and acceptable in Mexico. If you are travelling to Mexico be prepared for such jokes from the locals. Try not to get offended! This doesn't mean you are free to fire few of these hilarious Mexican jokes back at them! Remember, you are a tourist, not a local!

6.Touching the Opposite Sex in Public, Especially Women
Western people are more used to hand-shaking, hugging and kissing. India, on other hand, is a traditional and orthodox country when comes to greeting people. If you are traveling to India, learn how to say 'Namaste' which don't require any physical touching. However, men and women from urban areas of the country are more used to the western greetings like handshakes. A 'Namaste' is still the better and a respectable way to greet an India.

7.Asking English People How Much Money They Make
In UK, it is considered to rude when you ask someone how much money they make! It is same in the most parts of the world. People of UK, in particular, don't like being questioned about their income. If you are planning to visit UK, keep this little thing in mind. No, don't even ask Queen about her earnings!

8.Imitating Irish Accent in Ireland
Most western people, especially Americans, tend to think they can do Irish accent. Imitating Irish accent is considered insulting in Ireland. Religion and language are sensitive subjects in Ireland, so don't start any discussion on them unless you are a subject matter expert!

9.Wishing Advanced Birthday Wishes to Germans
Never ever wish a German a day before their birthday. Advanced birthday wishes are a big no in Germany, as people there think it gives them bad luck. Be mindful of this little cultural fact, and don't wish your German buddies in advance.

10.Calling Kenyans by Their First Name
In Kenya, calling someone with their first name is considered as impolite. If you ever go to Kenya, remember this small cultural fact. If you are to call a Kenya, call him or her by their last name. It is a little strange, but people there are used to it.

11.Eating on Public Transport in Singapore
This is not something that's related to culture or manners. It is actually an offence to eat on public transport in Singapore, and you may be fined if an officer sees you doing that. Many countries don't allow eating or drinking on public transport. If you are planning to visit a country, make sure to completely know about the public transport rules and guidelines.

12.Giving a Clock or Umbrella as Presents in China
Chinese don't like receiving umbrellas or clocks as gifts, as they believe they bring them bad luck. If you are travelling in China, and if you have to gift someone, pick anything other than clock and umbrella. Clocks are a common gift idea around the world, but a big no-no in China!

13.Clinking Glasses While Toasting in Hungary
Clinking glasses is a common practice throughout the world, but not in Hungary. Don't clink glasses while toasting, if you are in Hungary. Clinking is considered very insulting in Hungary due to some historical events. Don't clink and say cheers in Hungary.

14.Ordering Cappuccino in Italian Restaurants
Coffee isn't just a drink in Italy, it is a culture! If you want to enjoy a cappuccino in Italy, you have to deal with many strange food rules.
1. Don't order cappuccino after 11:00 AM in Italy, as Italians consider it is a breakfast item. Most Italians don't drink cappuccino in the noon or evening.
2. Don't order cappuccino from a restaurant, as most Italians find it gross.

15.Forgetting to Leave Tips to Waiters/Waitresses in United States
Accepting tips may be seen as insulting in Germany, but in US tipping is mandatory. In most states, employees like waiters are paid two to three dollars per hour. They have to make their living on tips, which is not the case with other countries like Japan and China.
