15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 1:00 pm
By:James Fraser

As the title suggests, mostly women will understand these confessions. This doesn't mean the article is only for them! If you are a man, these revelations will help you understand the pain women go through once every month. Some of these confessions are painfully funny! Read fifteen interesting, painful and funny period confessions. If you are a girl, you can relate. If you are a guy, you can learn a thing or two about periods!
1.Period Problems!

Hey, not all women go into extreme rage though. 'Period rage' is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It's a problem and requires medical attention. If left untreated, it can mess with your personal and professional life.

Period Problems!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

2.A Male Tampon?

If... If... men had periods... they would definitely brag about the size of the tampon they used. Most men are obsessed with the size of their manhood! The whole 'male period' concept is bad, even in the imagination, because... one single erection, and he's going to shoot a bloody tampon out from their d*ck like a bullet!

A Male Tampon?-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

3.Satan Has Been Fed!

This dad's too funny! If you ever live with a woman who goes through considerably painful periods, you will totally understand the situation. 

Satan Has Been Fed!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

4.PMS Problems!

During intense phases of PMS (premenstrual Syndrome), a woman's body goes into a 'fight-or-flight' mode. It makes the whole body fired up, particularly the metabolic system. In simple words, we call the whole thing 'food cravings'. 

PMS Problems!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

5.That's Funny!

"I didn't choose the vag life. The vag life chose me!" Sounds great! Tampons and makeup should be free? Not sure about the makeup, but young girls can get tampons/pads for free in many countries around the world.

That's Funny!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

6.This is a Great Business Idea

All period related stuff from tampons, pills, hot presses, cupcakes to chocolates - all at one place! You may see a section of a store dedicated to menstrual needs, but how often do you see a business that only sells period related stuff? 

This is a Great Business Idea-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

7.Girls with PMS Will Understand!

Oh yes, no human being sounds good when you suffer from PMS, even if the person is your boyfriend, dad or a best friend. This picture neatly sums up what it really feels like dealing with the horrible condition.

Girls with PMS Will Understand!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand


8.And the Fears!

PMS can cause anxiety or panic attacks in women even if they don't have a history of anxiety. The condition gets worse if a woman already suffers from anxiety. So the random fears and worries are very common. 

And the Fears!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

9.That Moment When You Sneeze During the Period!

Not a great feeling at all! Men can never understand what it feels like to be on period. It's not just about the blood that comes out. It's about the pain, the cramps, the discomfort, and the constant fear of staining clothes or staining things they sit on. It's complicated, man! 

That Moment When You Sneeze During the Period! -15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand


10.That Moment When Your Girlfriend Gets Period

Boyfriends go through a tough time dealing with rage and stuff, but two things make them happy. They know their girlfriend isn't pregnant. And... It's going to be a BJ week!

That Moment When Your Girlfriend Gets Period-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

11.This Gross Confession

Most women do this. They think it's okay because they wear pads, and the underwear's going to be relatively clean. According to health experts, this is a bad practice. Women need to be as clean as possible 'down there' during periods. The risk of infections is very high at this part of time. Instead of wearing the same unwashed thing straight for five days, keep two 'period only underwear', and wear them (clean) on alternative days. 

This Gross Confession-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

12.Why Aren't We Funding This?

These companies make a lot of money! Tampons aren't like electronics that are bought once in few years. You buy them every month. These tampon/pad companies should really start doing this to keep their customers happy.

Why Aren't We Funding This?-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

13.That's True

Let's make this article more useful. Here are few things you can do to ease menstrual (period) pain.
1. Exercise (It works)
2. Use heating pads
3. Drink chamomile tea
4. Get a massage 
5. Try to get an orgasm (Sounds silly, but it works)

That's True-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

14.Wait Until It's Completely Gone!

Yes, girls can relate. Wait until the 'bloody demon' who sabotaged the uterus for like five continuous days... completely dies!

Wait Until It's Completely Gone!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

15.Unfortunately, It Will Not!

Forget about burning more calories, as a woman, you should feel happy if period doesn't add any extra calories in the name of food cravings!

Unfortunately, It Will Not! -15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

READ MORE: 15 Hilarious OneLiner Jokes Sure To Crack You Up



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