15 Things To Do When You're Depressed
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 7:37 pm
By:James Fraser
We live in a very fast-paced world. The world around us is changing rapidly. To be a happy or successful person, you need to catch up with the speed and keep moving. If you fall short, you are not going to make any impact, thus leaving you feel depressed all the time. There are many other reasons why people feel depressed, empty or worthless. Such things start as little psychological disturbances and can grow to a point where people ruin their lives completely with severe depression or suicidal thoughts.
The problem isn't complicated, though. It is very easy to overcome those little bad feelings. No one's life on this planet is worthless. Read fifteen simple things you can do when you feel like your life is worthless.
13.Read Inspiring Stories and Listen to Upbeat Music
Go to your favorite bookstore and search for those motivational books, or biographies of great people who had seen worse in their life. Learn how they crawled out of their bad times. Check the lives of poor people in African and Asian countries. Read and know what it's like to die from hunger - die from lack of medical facilities. Now compare your life to them and see if life is really unfair with you. Are you doing justice to life? Are you giving your best?
Listening to motivational or upbeat music is another good way to keep yourself energized and motivated. Browse YouTube to find a ton of inspiring pieces of music. You can buy some high-quality motivational music on iTunes (or Google Play).