12 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Never Hold In A Fart

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 6:07 pm
By:James Fraser

Most of us hold in a fart far too frequently for obvious reasons. This is a terrible habit. It's not at all healthy to forcibly stop gas from passing out. There are several risks and health complications linked to it. Read twelve shocking reasons why anyone shouldn't hold in a fart for a long period of time. Saying that, it doesn't mean you should be farting freely anywhere and anytime. If there's an urge to fart, excuse yourself from people, walk into a restroom or any private area, Let the storm rage on. 
4.The Gas May Move up Back to the Stomach

A human digestive system consists of series of sphincters starting with esophageal sphincter. The rectum is the only sphincter we can control. If you forcibly hold in the fart, the chances are good that it moves up to the upper intestinal chambers. 

The Gas May Move up Back to the Stomach-12 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Never Hold In A Fart

5.It May Cause Stomach Rumbling

When you are hungry or dehydrated, your stomach starts to make those weird noises called 'stomach rumbles'. When you hold in a fart, the gas starts moving up which makes even louder stomach rumbles at times and may put yourself in an embarrassing situation. 

It May Cause Stomach Rumbling-12 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Never Hold In A Fart

6.You will be Producing Compound Farts

Why people hold in their farts? It is most probably because they are not in a right palce or situation to pass the gas out. Holding in a fart only makes things worse as it starts to rot and grow big in size, resulting in a much stinkier fart. 

You will be Producing Compound Farts-12 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Never Hold In A Fart
