12 Funny You Have No Power Here Memes
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 10:55 am
By:James Fraser
"You have no power" is a famous "Lord of the Rings" quote uttered by King Théoden when Gandalf tried to cast a mind-controlling spell on him. A few years back, the internet picked up the quote and converted that into a meme and reaction image. As you may know, the meme is often used to highlight a dominant individual's inability to show off their prowess depending upon the circumstances. Do you think a shark out of water can scare you? It has no power there! Got it? Now, see these 12 You Have No Power Here memes that are sidesplitting.
7.You Have No Power Here, Brother!
This meme reminds us our childhood, isn't it? You can very well relate to this meme, especially if you are not the only child in your home and have a sibling. Elder siblings do try to take control of everything when mom and dad aren't around. They do that because parents tell them to do so. Many parents tend to teach responsibility and give leadership and responsibility lessons to elder kids and ask them to do their best to take care of their little brother or sister. Younger siblings, as you know, are mischievous in most cases, and no way they are going to accept their older sibling's domination or leadership!