24 Best "Yeah Science Bitch" Memes Ever Made
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 10:43 am
Yeah, science - bitch. We know you just heard Jesse saying those words in your head! But did you know he didn't use the word bitch in the show, though. Jesse Pinkman says "Yeah, science" when Walter White told him that he no longer needs pseudo to cook meth. The internet changed the phrase to "Yeah Science, Bitch" and have been using it as a meme to express new inventions, discoveries, or science revelations. Scroll down to see 24 best "Yeah Science, Bitch" memes that are absorbing. This topic subtly talks about some fascinating science facts and jokes, so don't miss reading it!
#2 We Love Whisky
If you love a good whisky, then this is the news you have been waiting for. Of course you need to limit how much you are going to be drinking at any given time, but if you are having one and your partner complains just tell them that you are doing it for your health.