Teachers Who Got Famous In Other Professions
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 9:40 am
1.George Orwell
George may very well be a highly respected author that is still talked about, but he was also a teacher back in London. Are we not glad that he decided to change career and start writing instead?
2.Mr T
Go on and guess as to which subject Mr T taught earlier in his life. If you guessed gym, then well done, but then it is quite obvious when you look at the shape he was in. You could hardly see him being a chemistry teacher could you?
3.Lyndon B. Johnson
This is another President that was a teacher earlier on in their career, but this time it was actually at a school and not like Carter. How good he was as one is up for debate.
4.Jimmy Carter
Well it is good to see that a former President was also a teacher. Granted he was only a Sunday School teacher, but at least then he would have been talking to kids about morals and how to live in the correct manner, so some good was indeed coming out of it.
5.Gene Simmons
In what has to be a major change in the direction of your career, Gene Simmons of the big tongue and Kiss fame used to be an elementary school teacher. You would hope that he would have at least left the makeup at home in order to avoid scaring the kids.
6.Sylvester Stallone
Sly was a gym teacher when he was in college and this is certainly a subject that seems to suit him perfectly. However, allegations that he used to have his students running up steps are completely unfounded.
7.Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code author was a maths teacher earlier on in his life and you can maybe even see the way in which maths comes into a lot of his books. However, there is no doubt that he must be a better author than teacher or he would never have managed to be a bestseller.
8.J.K. Rowling
The author of Harry Potter actually spent some time as a teacher long before she started to write any novels. She had a previous career as an English teacher, but in Portugal, but that had no bearing whatsoever on her books.
OK so this is a bit of a strange one, but the guy from Peen & Teller who never speaks used to be a High School teacher. In actual fact he taught Latin and for some reason you could never see him teaching anything else could you?
Sting has been in music for decades, but before that he was also an English teacher. You can just picture him as being the type that was very laid back about it all and not exactly shouting at any of the students.
11.Sheryl Crow
The good thing about Sheryl and her experience as a teacher is that she then put it to good use in her other profession as she taught music. At least it would have been a real change having a teacher who you knew could really sing.
12.Hugh Jackman
Hugh is of course a massive star, but he was also a teacher back in Australia. It perhaps comes as no surprise to hear that he was a gym teacher and you just know that he would have been a very cool one to have.