15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:24 pm
By:James Fraser

Not all grandparents are same! Some grandparents do weird things or talk crazy. Every grandparent has their unique style when it comes to showing love towards their grandchildren. Grandmas are always different from grandpas. While most grandmas usually stay calm and polite, some of them are rude or brutally honest. We have fifteen people here who shared some of the craziest things their grandmas ever told to them or other people.
7.This Hilarious Insult by a Grandma

I was telling my grandma about how my cat likes to sleep between my knees, and she said, "Well, that’s as close to a pussy as you’re ever going to get!"

This Hilarious Insult by a Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

8.This Awkward & Funny Situation

Grandma: "Oh wow! Have you lost weight?"
Me: "No, I don’t think so, but thanks!"
Grandma: "Oh sorry sweetie, I thought you were your sister."

This Awkward & Funny Situation-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

9.Grandma and Her Brilliant Weight Loss Idea

In college, I asked my grandma to teach me how to knit. She agreed, saying, "I think this will be good for you. It’ll keep your hands busy so you won’t eat so much."

Grandma and Her Brilliant Weight Loss Idea-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said
