15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:24 pm
By:James Fraser

Not all grandparents are same! Some grandparents do weird things or talk crazy. Every grandparent has their unique style when it comes to showing love towards their grandchildren. Grandmas are always different from grandpas. While most grandmas usually stay calm and polite, some of them are rude or brutally honest. We have fifteen people here who shared some of the craziest things their grandmas ever told to them or other people.
1.Oh, Grandma

She took my kindergarten photo and said, "This is what I use to chase the rats away with."

Oh, Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

2.Grandma Knew This Coming

When my older sister told my family she was pregnant out of wedlock and not in a relationship, my grandma sighed, looked at me and said, "We always thought it would be you."

Grandma Knew This Coming-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

3.Not All Grannies Praise Their Grandsons

My brother came out as gay to my grandma, and she said, "I knew girls weren’t going to like you from the beginning."

Not All Grannies Praise Their Grandsons-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

4.Nice Shade

I was painting my nails one time, and my grandma leaned over and said, "That’s a nice shade of whore red." Then she walked away.

Nice Shade-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

5.Highly Choosy Grandma

I had just met my boyfriend's family for the first time. As I was leaving, his grandma gave me a hug and said it was wonderful to meet me. I said, "Thank you! It's nice to know I have approval." To which she replied, "Oh, no dear, just because we like you doesn't mean we approve."

Highly Choosy Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

6.Brutal Honest Grandma

I was playing piano for my family when I was around five years old. When I finished, I noticed that everyone was clapping except her. When I asked her why, she said, "I only clap if it's good."

Brutal Honest Grandma -15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

7.This Hilarious Insult by a Grandma

I was telling my grandma about how my cat likes to sleep between my knees, and she said, "Well, that’s as close to a pussy as you’re ever going to get!"

This Hilarious Insult by a Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said


8.This Awkward & Funny Situation

Grandma: "Oh wow! Have you lost weight?"
Me: "No, I don’t think so, but thanks!"
Grandma: "Oh sorry sweetie, I thought you were your sister."

This Awkward & Funny Situation-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

9.Grandma and Her Brilliant Weight Loss Idea

In college, I asked my grandma to teach me how to knit. She agreed, saying, "I think this will be good for you. It’ll keep your hands busy so you won’t eat so much."

Grandma and Her Brilliant Weight Loss Idea-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said


10.Religious and Orthodox Grandma

Me: "It's hot in here."
Grandma: "You better start going to church because it's a lot hotter in hell."

Religious and Orthodox Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

11.The Kind of Granny We Hope All Should Have

When I was 19, I brought my boyfriend over to my grandma's for her to meet him. The first thing she said to him was, "So Ben, I see you like fat chicks."

The Kind of Granny We Hope All Should Have -15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said


12.That Was Awkward

My nana once offered a paper bag to my brother to put over his girlfriend's face.

That Was Awkward-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

13.When Granny Spoke the Truth

After I got my nose pierced, my grandma looked me up and down and said, "Well you used to be my favorite granddaughter."

When Granny Spoke the Truth-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

14.This Brutal Grandma

My (very Catholic) grandma told me she hopes she dies before I get married so that she doesn’t have to attend my secular wedding.

This Brutal Grandma-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

15.This Sarcastic Grandmother

Me (annoyed): "All my friends are getting married."
Grandma: "Yeah? All my friends are dying."

This Sarcastic Grandmother-15 People Confess The Craziest Things Their Grandmas Ever Said

Do you know that a recent survey found out many grandparents hate their grandchildren? It also stated that the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren has been deteriorating from the past couple of decades. More and more grandparents complained of their grandchildren not spending time with them or treating them properly. Remember, you can make your grandparents happy only when you spend some time with them. Older people are lonely, and all they want is some companionship over money or other luxuries. Wanna know what happens when your grandparents send awkward texts? Here are Some of the hilarious texts sent by grandparents.



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