15 Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked By Students In Class
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 11:53 am
By:James Fraser
One day, we may run out of oil. We may run out of oxygen. The whole planet may perish, but there would still be a dumb guy lurking in the bushes! We have them in abundance, and we stumble upon one now and then. If we ask you to recall the name of the dumbest person you have ever seen in your life, we are sure your mind travels all the way back to your school days because that's where we see a lot of dim-witted people! We know you can't immediately recall the dumbest things kids in your class might have done, so let's show you these 15 most stupid questions ever asked by kids in class, as shared by their classmates.
7.When a Centimeter is Too Long
High school chemistry class, we were working on a lab where we had to make little squares on a piece of plastic to perform tests in, and the squares had to have 2 cm long sides.
This kid at my lab table, who had already proven to be not so bright in class many times beforehand, got our teacher's attention, then asked what a centimeter was.
After the teacher thoroughly explained what a centimeter is, and where exactly to find them on the ruler in front of him, the student turned to us and said:
"I'm still not understanding this centimeter thing."