12 Longest Place Names In The World

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 1:18 pm
By:Tony Williams

The following 12 place names are longer than a giraffe's neck! We have no idea who gave such names to these places. The names are ludicrously hilarious, though! Are they even names or some kind of prank played by people of the past? No one knows! These long place names sound so dubious that an average person sees them as an internet hoax. Trust us; they are real and authentic. Scroll down to read the 12 longest place names in the world now. Hey, don't ask us how to pronounce their names! We don't know that, either.

#7 Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta

This is a village in a part of India called Andhra Pradesh and it has 28 letters in its name. It does not have a shorter version, so we are stuck with trying our best to pronounce the entire thing without looking and feeling like an absolute idiot.

Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta-12 Longest Place Names In The World
