15 Laziest Things Students Have Ever Done

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:27 pm
By:James Fraser

We are all lazy in one or the other way. Some people, however, behave like as if they are the true meaning for the word laziness. Here are fifteen laziest things ever done by students. These lazy confessions are made by them in an internet forum. We think many of us relate to what they said or did.
4.Laziness at Its Peak

"Drove to class. Escalators up to third floor classroom were broken. Went home."

Laziness at Its Peak-15 Laziest Things Students Have Ever Done

5.This Disgusting Laziness

"Not me, but a buddy of mine was lying in bed one morning. Picked his nose and had nowhere to put it - put it back in his nose." 

This Disgusting Laziness-15 Laziest Things Students Have Ever Done

6.It's Just a 30 Second Video

"I tried to skip to the good part of a 33 second YouTube video."

It's Just a 30 Second Video-15 Laziest Things Students Have Ever Done
