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15 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Hilarious

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:55 pm
By:James Fraser

In some families, Dad is the funniest guy. He is cool, humorous and sarcastic.Read More (+)
13.The Plate Is Hot!

Waitress: Careful, the plate is hot.
Dad: It's okay, I'm not attracted to plates!

The Plate Is Hot!-15 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Hilarious

14.You Are A Sandwich!

Daughter: I'm feeling hungry. Can you make me a sandwich?
Dad: Abracadabra! You are now a sandwich! 

You Are A Sandwich!-15 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Hilarious

15.Oh, No!

Dad: Do you know the new cable network gives us access to 7000 channels?
Mom: Oh, wow! I hope the porn is disabled. 
Dad: No, it's just the regular porn! 

Oh, No!-15 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Hilarious
