15 Hilarious Yearbook Quotes Ever
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:03 am
By:James Fraser
Many things make you cringe hard when you look back into your past, especially the high school days - your clothes, crushes and your obnoxious taste in music! The yearbook, in particular, is something that many of us hate to see. If you are one of those guys and girls who are addicted to taking selfies, compare your cool Instagram photos with your yearbook portrait! If you think the photo looks unattractive, what about your silly yearbook quote? We are sure it makes you cringe even harder. Read 15 such hilarious yearbook quotes now. We really hope you don't end up finding yourself on this list!
4.Harry Potter Fans Will Understand
Master has given Dobby a sock! Master has given Megan a high school diploma; Megan is freeeee! Megan got this quote completely wrong, though. You aren't free Megan. You spent big bucks and time to earn that diploma, which isn't a sock, but an admission ticket to enter the chaotic adult life, which would more or less remind you the chamber of secrets! The adult life - it's a trap! If there were ever a chance to travel back in time, we are afraid there would be no adults left on the planet. Anyways, nice Harry potter reference, though.

