12 Hilarious Plot Twists That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:56 pm
By:Tony Williams

Life surprises us all the time. Whether you are a young kid, adult or even old, Our lives are full of twists and turns. Sometimes things are not the way we usually look at. To celebrate those live twists, Here are 12 hilarious plot twists that will definitely make you laugh.
4.The giveaway

You see when you know about a twist in the plot do make sure that you keep quite about it or else you will ruin the experience for everybody else. Just because you know it does not mean that the rest of the world does and you will save yourself some hassle in the long term.

The giveaway-12 Hilarious Plot Twists That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
5.Look closely for the plot

At times you need to look quite closely in order to really see the twist in the plot and sadly this boy just does not have the ability to do that. Look down son...because you are going to get one hell of a surprise.

Look closely for the plot-12 Hilarious Plot Twists That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
6.Tragic last words

Well the twist here is that has last words were said before he jumped into the water as we all expected them to be said when he was actually in the process of drowning. Why he then appeared to dive in does appear to be a bit of a mystery.

Tragic last words-12 Hilarious Plot Twists That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud