15 Tweets About God That Will Make You Laugh

Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 12:42 pm
By:James Fraser

There are two kinds of people on Earth. One kind who roll on the floor laughing at these God jokes, and the other who go mad for making these God jokes! Which category do you think you belong? If you are the first type, we promise you are going to laugh hysterically upon reading these funny twitter jokes about God. We repeat; you are going to laugh your a*s off! Hey, millions of religious people in the world believe God created everything, from a giant dinosaur to a small bug. These funny tweets are based on the very fundamental belief of every religion. Trust us; you are absolutely going to love them!
4.It's Hard to Create a Million Species of Unique Animals or Birds, Right?

Got the tweet? It's about bats.

It's Hard to Create a Million Species of Unique Animals or Birds, Right?-15 Tweets About God That Will Make You Laugh

5.The Concept of God

Praying to God is the easiest thing to do. The whole concept of God is highly complicated and confusing to understand. You'll be like - "God, I want this, please give me!"

The Concept of God-15 Tweets About God That Will Make You Laugh

6.When God Threw Handful of Salt into the Ocean

He did that to prevent all the water on the planet turning into soda! By the way, oceans are the reason why we get rains.

When God Threw Handful of Salt into the Ocean-15 Tweets About God That Will Make You Laugh
