15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 11:48 am
By:James Fraser

We all text our parents, what's the big deal? Most of the text conversations we have with our parents are normal. With that said, not all parents are same with their kids, We also have these super cool parents, who rock and nail the whole parenting thing when it comes to texting! Here are 15 most hilarious texts from parents.
7.Dad Knows How to Live his Life

Another incredibly cool dad who advises his frustrated son to go on stabbing everyone at his practice! He even warns him not to get any blood on clothes. When the son hits back at his advice, he even says he knows how to live his life. 

Dad Knows How to Live his Life-15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh

8.This Mom Who Loves Ronaldo

This is how cool moms can be! Watch how this mom is teasing her daughter saying Ronaldo is a hottie. When the daughter asks her to stop, she says she is talking about Ronaldo's soccer skills. Well played, mom! Every child hopes for a cool and friendly mom like this! Don’t we?

This Mom Who Loves Ronaldo -15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh

9.The Prankster Mom

We all have played pranks on our mom, but it's not the other way. Watch this mom playing an epic prank on her daughter, who nearly had her heart in her mouth! She is the coolest of all moms. 

The Prankster Mom-15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh
