12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 12:21 pm
By:James Fraser

If you were a fan of Pokémon when you were a kid, the chances are high that you remain a fan even though you have grown older! When Nintendo released "Pokémon Go" a year ago, it was we, the younger adults, flocked public parks searching for Pokémon. What we are trying to tell you, though, is that one is never too old for Pokémon! Let's spend the next few minutes of our lives checking these funny Pokémon memes. They are hilarious, and we are sure you are going to love them. Pokémon memes - Gotta see em' all! 
7.Snorlax Is Blocking The Road!

Snorlax always does this! By the way, Snorlax represents an average global citizen of the current generation - sleepy, overweight, and eats uncontrollably. The good thing about Snorlax, though, is that it can digest anything it eats including poison. Yep, Snorlax is fat and lazy, but it has a terrific stomach and digestive system! That's an interesting fact, right? If love reading such facts, you may find a bunch of them here on this Weird Facts About Pokemon topic.

Snorlax Is Blocking The Road!-12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day

8.Ash Survived Lord Voldemort Twice!

Harry Potter and Pokemon are two completely different fictional universes with one born in the East and the other born in the West. Well, is there a common thing between the two cultures? Apparently, there is! Have you ever wondered what those scars on Ash's face are? Just as the meme describes, Lord Voldemort might have given those iconic scratches to Ash when he failed and tried to kill Ash, not once but twice! Hilarious meme, isn't it? By the way, wouldn't it be great if famous franchises in the world join hands to create cross-cultural movies or anime?

Ash Survived Lord Voldemort Twice!-12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day

9.Don't Pokemon And Drive!

Back in 2006, we had some really good video games, but not even in our wildest dreams we assumed a location-based augmented reality game like Pokemon Go to come out shortly. Just as this funny meme describes, we didn't expect we would be seeing signboards that warn people, not to Pokemon and drive! Instead of curing cancer, inhibiting the moon, colonizing Mars, etc. we are on our way toward a disastrous Third World War, aren't we? You may not agree, but trust us; the World War 3 has already begun! 

Don't Pokemon And Drive!-12 Hilarious Pokémon Memes That Will Make Your Day
