12 Hilarious Pokemon Puns That Are Sure To Make You Lol
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 1:33 pm
By:James Fraser
We are never too old for Pokemon, are we?! It has been nearly 20 years the first Pokemon game was released, and it is evident that the popularity of Pokemon games and its associated content like anime, manga, etc. hasn't come down a bit. As a Pokemon fan, we are sure you have already seen and read a lot about Pokemon on the internet, such as jokes, memes, etc. But, have you checked Pokemon puns? No? Read them here. Check these 12 hilarious Pokemon puns exclusively for you!
4.That Was... PECTED!
"That was Onix-pected (unexpected)!" Onix, also known as Rock Snake, is a first generation Rock/Ground Pokemon. Onix looks like a huge chain of rock boulders that become smaller toward the tail. It has a weird rocklike spine on its head and a pair of black eyes right under it. Onix is one of the toughest Pokemon, as its body absorbs hard objects. It has a magnet in its brain that works as a compass and helps it to move around. When traded with a Metal Coat, Onix evolves into Steelix.